
39 Weeks

No baby. What the crap. So much for coming early. I'm feeling disheartened today. I feel large and miserable. My stomach gets in the way of everything. I seriously can't get socks on anymore. It was hard before and now it's just impossible. Blah. It's just getting sucky. I am so impatient and anxious. I don't think it helps that my nose is still all plugged up. Hoping that gets better soon; way before I go into labor. But yeah. Here are the preliminary signs of labor :

1.) Weight stabilization ( X )
2.) Loss of mucus plug
3.) Nesting ( X )
4.) Increase in Braxton Hicks ( X )
5.) One that I don't want to mention :D ( X )
6.) Diarrhea
7. ) Engagement / baby drops ( X )

Ok. So, SERIOUSLY! 5/7? Ugh.... Any day now baby....... any day.


Caught a cold

Well, this officially sucks. A week until my actual due date, he could come at any time, and I have a cold. Got it from Sam. Thanks.... But I have to say I'd pick a cold over the flu any day. I just wish it didn't last so long. I thought maybe I would be able to avoid it; took airborne and OD'd on vitamin C / orange juice. Darnit. Went to bed last night with an insanely stuffy nose and chest and woke up with a flaming throat. Rar. I talked to the midwife. Since I'm so close to my due date and because he's all done developing she gave me the 'o.k.' to take some Nyuil. Yay! Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking. It's the middle of the day? But I am pooped and I just want to go to sleep. So I got some Vicks, took the Nyquil, grabbed my bottle of water and am heading to bed. Hopefully I wake up feeling a little better. If not better, maybe a little more rested! Thank goodness the baby is sleeping right now. He won't be moving around when I'm trying to fall asleep.


38 weeks + 5 days


Rice Krispies

And, as a sidenote. I keep hearing these strange rice krispy-like popping noises coming from my belly. Up higher. It's very weird. It just started today. It's not a constant thing, just a couple here or there. Hmm..... I wonder what that is??

38 weeks + 4 days

Relaxing. Watching movies. Mmm... Today was a good day! Except that every time I get up... well. I seriously think my pelvis might crack open and the baby's just going to fall out. haha. It's really sore. I had to get up at 7 this morning and go stand over the back of the couch to take some of the pressure off of it. It's really achy; to the point where it hurts to roll over in bed and the whole rolling over business is actually more of a process. Now I know why that website recommended silk sheets and pajamas. I scoffed at the idea, but right now it makes perfect sense. It's genius really! Not that I can really afford silk sheets and pajamas... but still. I have a little bit of a cold. Caught it from Sam. Hoped I wouldn't! But I forfeited my prenatal today to take airborne. You can't double them up otherwise you'll get a vitamin overdose. One day isn't going to hurt. Besides, airborne is a ton of vitamins, just more sickness fighting ones. I think that's more of a priority right now because being sick wouldn't be good; for me or for baby! While he's been basically sleeping the past 3 days, he's definitely making up for it now! Maybe he was on a growth spurt. They say that when they're doing their growing they're more likely to rest because that's where the energy is going to. Well.... not anymore! He's a squirmy little fish today. All day. No joke. My belly has been doing strange and odd contortions. Half of it was sticking out at one point. Literally, just the entire right side from my belly button over was disdended and the left side was just .... ______ FLAT. It looked SO weird. Sam got to feel him move today, too. We were sitting on the couch watching him squirm around. He tickled me a couple times and was poking me in the ribs and we'd watch the baby move to that, too. It was pretty fun. That's about it! Just keeping busy around the house and looking for jobs to do this summer where I could work out of the apartment so I can watch Christopher. Right now being with him and being there for him is my main concern. Soo, any ideas? And if you say hooker, well, I'll kick your butt! haha =)

38 Week Doctor Appointment

Alrighty. Well, we're still hanging in there. My hips/pelvic bones are really, reeeeally starting to ache. I swear I feel like a 90 year old woman; and I'm probably walking like one too! It really honestly feels like there is a bowling ball resting on top of the 2 pelvic bones between my legs and they're going to snap at any time or just break apart. Omg. They're really sore. I can't do leg lifts to the side, or lift my leg up when I'm lying in bed! It's crazy! But I'm thinking that's a good thing. It means my body's getting ready.... which I think I would rather have than just trying to pop him out without making any adjustments first :) Maybe I'll be super duper flexible after this! That would be awesome! Actually, I'll be able to run faster. That's a proven fact. Should share that fact with the high school track team.... hahahaha.... Just Kidding! Anyways, about the doctor appointment.

It was with Margo again. The same woman from last week. I've actually lost 3.5 lbs from last week! Craziness. Weight stabilization? Woot woot. That's a good sign. He's still growing. Unfortunately she didn't tell me what my uterine height was. She just said "he grew" and I was in the middle of not forgetting to ask her my question that I ended up forgetting to ask her how MUCH he grew. Dangit. My blood pressure is great : 104/52. His heartrate was 140 bpm's. Such a healthy lil guy. He's just perfect! His head also moved further down into my pelvis. She said she could feel it sitting right atop the cervix. Thanks for all the extra pressure! Anyways, this next part could be a bit of TMI but I don't really care. I'm going to share anyways because it's all part of pregnancy! Before you go into labor you lose your mucus plug. MMk. So the name sounds much grosser than it actually is. It's just the "stopper" for the cervix. When the cervix starts to efface or dilate a little you lose it. Well, I am pretty sure I lost mine tonight! Which is exciting. But it's not a definite timeline for anything. Some women lose their mucus plugs 4 weeks before labor, some the day of. But really, it just means that... well. It's a good sign I take it! Considering I wouldn't have 4 weeks left to go anyways. I think it's because he's putting all this extra pressure and moving down further that things are starting to happen more. I also think all the walking I do really helps. Go me! But, everybody's advice is starting to bug me lately.... I'm getting it from all angles. Especially from people who aren't even pregnant! It's like, THANKS! But I'm overwhelmed and TRUST ME. I can read for myself. I've been quite informed about this whole pregnancy thing. I am pretty sure I've read every possible piece of info on it on the internet. Ok, that's an exaggeration... but you get the point! So, basically if I'm not asking for advice... please, please, PLEASE keep it to yourself. Thanks for the offer, but I'm really getting too much of it. Even from strangers in the grocery store. I'm going to put my grocery basket on the next one's head. Especially if they ask me in the "oh-not-so-polite-way" of "So, when ya' poppin?" Oi. In a way it's nice, but.... ugh. haha. I'm just trying to take it in with the whole pregnant experience. Anywho. That's my lil tidbit for today. I'm just relaxing and watching movies and taking it easy. Nothing to do and keeping my feet up and enjoying every minute and sometimes even the silence. Something I think will be pretty scarce in a couple of weeks!!


Wow that hurts

So, I did finally end up going to sleep. I cleaned the apartment some more after the last post. Specifically organized more of the baby's room and cleaned in there and vacuumed the whole apartment. Also sucked up Sam's xbox speaker headphone set.... whoopsies. But I just woke up to the most painful "practice" contraction I've had yet. Think cramp times like.... a thousand. Ow. I also had a really intense pain that went to my back. I thought it was because I was laying wrong, or something. So I tried getting out of bed, but the pain stayed! That's actually a good thing. A real contraction doesn't go away when you change positions. It made me a little excited. Please please please tell me these are going to keep up and get regular. I don't want this to start and get all excited and then have it stop and have to wait another couple of days. Gah. This whole waiting business. I'm ready... at least I think. I think that I'm going to think I'm ready until the first time I see him and then it's going to be like.... Ohhh shit. I'm SO not ready. =)


38 Weeks + 2 Days


I'm the Energizer Bunny!!

This is just a big list of things I've gotten done so far! WOOHOO. So. I cleaned the entire living room. Dusted and picked up our entertainment center. Took all of the trash and recyclables out. Organized Sam's movies and video games. Put away his computer stuff in a nice little tray thing and organized it neatly. Sorted through the magazines and found a spot for them. Put some books away that had just been chilling out. Folded blankets. Scrubbed the rug from the bathroom that DESPERATELY needed to be cleaned. Cut up some raddishes and olives for our dinner salad. Peeled and cut potatoes and got them boiled (prep for dinner). Ummm.... Oh yeah. I also unthawed some venison back straps and squash. I put the backstraps in the crock pot and they're seasoned and cooking... SMELLS YUMMY! I put away some more baby stuff. Hung up my clothes in my closet and sorted through dirty laundry, etc... Uh. Hm. Called my mom and chatted with her. Went through my big stack of mail and threw out the old stuff and the junk. Sorted through this box of stuff in my room and disposed of worthless crap. Annnnd i also went through all of these important papers and got them sorted into appropriate folders and labeled them! YAY!!! And I also lit some incense in here. It's pink and it smells like flowers. Woot woot. I'm the energizer bunny! ... minus the ears..... and the big battery drum............. and the insanely cool sunglasses. =D Whatev! Am I going to sleep good tonight or what?! I'm still doing stuff, too. By the way. Ohhhh, I've only just begun!

Jeopardy Theme Song

Doo do doo do, doo do dooo. Do doo do Dooo DOOO... doo doo doo doodoo. etc..... =)

You can imagine that playing while you're reading this, because that's what it feels like for me! I almost want to make some more messes so I can clean them up =) I sanitized his room.... again. haha. Sam has a pretty bad cold so I keep lysoling and cleaning in there because I don't want him to catch a bug first thing back here! I cleaned up and organized the living room and boxes that have been stacked in my closet with random things since I moved. Sam just has a couple things from his computer laying about the living room, but that's it! Otherwise the apartment is pretty clean. I even did the dishes today, which I vowed I wasn't going to do until after the baby. But, I was being impatient and Sam's sick so I figured I could cut him a break. It was supposed to snow alot today, but so far nothing. It just looks sort of gloomy out. Icky. I hate this weather. Where's my sunshine?? I love it when it's sunny out. I'm always more cheerful on those days. Hm. Well I slept in today. And I completely enjoyed it. I just laid in bed for 30 min on my back staring out the window. I have a feeling I won't be having too many moments like that after the next week! Christopher was moving all around and it was real cute. He's been sort of laid back the last couple of days. I hear that's a good sign that you'll go into labor fairly soon! It means they're running out of room and resting up for the big day! Maybe he should let me in on when that's going to be.... hehe. I was wrong, by the way. My prediction was that he was going to come on the 7th. I thought that way back in July or August or something. But the 7th came and went and still no baby. Sam predicted the 10th. So he might just be right about that! We'll have to see! I'm going to find something to do around the apartment to occupy me. I don't want to sit here twiddling my fingers and being useless. I could probably find a closet to organize or something. Sam's taking a nap. He took some Nyquil and is out.

=0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0

38 weeks + 1 day