
Energy? This can't be right...

Hmm.... Am I dreaming? Because I can't actually be awake and motivated to do the dishes and vacuum, there's no way. It's crazy! I am definitely taking advantage of this newfound energy because I have a feeling (and if I'm right) it's not going to last for very long. I think I might be having my last little energy spurt. You're supposed to have it about 2 weeks before you deliver. That would explain my obsession with tidying everything today and organizing my room and it's almost midnight. I am like the energizer bunny. I have a big list of stuff to do. I just don't want to stop! I kind of like it. I wish it lasted longer. Maybe I'll get lucky =) Looks like I won't miss my energy burst after all. Now if I can just maintain the clean-ness up until I bring baby home, that'll be amazing!!!! Wooohooo. I feel like I had 5 redbulls. I am ready to go!


36 weeks + 0 days

Childbirth Classes && 9 months preggers!!!

Well, well, well..... I don't even know where to start. Sam and I woke up bright and early to get ready for our all day event. Got to the hospital at about 8.30 when our class started. I had some pretty high expectatioins for today, apparantly. There were 9 couples there. I was the furthest along out of everybody!! That was kind of cool. I felt special. One of the women there was due a month after me and she was bigger than me. She's going to have fun with that! We got a booklet and a bunch of handouts at the door and they had some muffins and juice out. I mowed down a couple muffins.... =) Delicious! Then we started in. The woman teaching the class is a labor/delivery nurse at Sacred Heart Hospital (where we were at). She was nice enough and everything, but all the information she presented was just random. It had no focus, whatsoever! She did a couple demonstrations with her "uterus"; which was actually a knitted cap that held the baby. That was interesting to see in person, but.... nothing special. There was a birthing video... OMG YUCK. I had to look away. No way in hell (excuse my language!) that I am EVER using a mirror or something to see the baby come out. Nooooo way. EW. I thought my delicious muffin was going to be making a second appearance. Luckily Sam and I have been watching our childbirth video (which is way better) and we were one up on all of the people in the class. Some of the couples were even middle aged, probably young 30's and we knew more than they did. Actually, we were the ones asking / answering questions. On the breaks it was funny because all of us prego ladies headed straight for the bathrooms. There was a nice little line going. Anyways. At about 12.15 the class was going to take the lunch break and we were done discussing all of the medical information. I'll let you in on something... from that entire morning and uselessly presented facts I didn't learn a thing. We didn't learn WHEN to call the doctor/midwife, when was the best time to have an epidural (she was very, very vague), where to go when you came or anything! So Sam and I got in the car and we were going to hit up Taco Bell or something and get his phone charger and we both decided that we were wasting our time. And we really were. The rest of the day was breathing exercises and the hospital tour; both of which we had already done. The whole set up of the class had no structure. I was so disappointed. To top it off Christopher had been moving all morning and had my intestine or something pinned down and it was really hurting. There was no way I was going to be sitting on the floor doing mock breathing exercises (that we already knew how to do) with a stomachache. So we went out to eat instead at the nice little Mexican restaurant and then I came back to the apartment and took a nap. I am so tired today. I actually just got up 15 min ago! Tonight Sam and I are going to finish watching Laugh and Learn About Childbirth. That's the video I was talking about. It's a recorded childbirth class, just like what we went to. I get alot more out of the video. Instead of just telling you random things it says stuff like "6 signs of labor". Then you learn what they are and repeat them. That is going to be more useful than anything we learned today. But hey, we got free muffins!

Other than that, I am officially 9 months pregnant today! WOOHOO. You know what that officially means????? Next month I won't be pregnant?!? WOOHOO. I'm pretty excited. As much as I do like being pregnant as far as feeling him move, all of the other stuff is getting a bit old. Especially the getting up at night 4-5 times to pee. So it'll kind of be bittersweet. I'm getting a little more nervous for labor & delivery just because I am technically full term now which means it could start virtually any day now! I'm thinking within the next couple of weeks. That's just the vibe I'm getting. But I could be wrong. All of his clothes are washed now. I got him some more onesies and some a few pairs of pants. We also have all of his bottles now and I just have to sterilize them. So as far as getting ready goes, the only thing we have left to do is vacuum his room and then rearrange my room so the bassinet fits next to the bed. I might actually start that tonight. I think I have been nesting the past couple of days. Yesterday for sure anyways. But that's about it here! Probably going to go make some dinner.


Is it almost over?

I am feeling extremely ready to be un-pregnant. I mean, the kicks and rolls are fun and adorable but I am so uncomfortable. I feel like a moose... with legs. I am definitely in the Lovin' Sweatpants Stage of my pregnancy. For some reason, I thought for certain I would be exempt from this. "Nah, I'm not going to get to that point. I'll still love wearing my cute maternity jeans and tops...." NOT! The jeans are itchy. The band digs into my tummy. My cute maternity tops make me feel like a bubble. Hellooo sweatpants! <3>

Last night I actually ended up going to bed early and in my own bedroom! Hooray. I have a feeling when I start going into labor it's going to be at night. That's when my Braxton Hicks (practice contractions) occur the most and are the most "painful". Basically just imagine somebody hitting your thigh and giving you a charlie horse -- when your leg gets rock hard? Ok. Take that feeling and apply that to your belly / uterus or whatever. That's the best way I can think of to describe a Braxton Hicks contraction. Last night he decided to kick me so hard and his foot got lodged somewhere between a couple organs. OMG. It felt like my insides were on fire. That one really hurt. I've been having quite a bit of pressure and the insides of my thighs are cramping up. It's kind of exciting because that happens in the last couple weeks of pregnancy so I know I'm getting ready for everything! It's also sort of scary and daunting in a way. Labor's just around a corner and pretty soon all the baby clothes will be filled! I am having a hard time imagining it. I almost feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever, even though I know that's not going to happen. It's definitely a weird thought. Like, is this actually going to happen? Somehow it feels like a dream.

But anywho. I've been trying to record him moving, so far, NO GOOD. Doesn't want to cooperate. Apparantly they're supposed to slow down a couple days before labor. I'll be excited for that. He's a crazy little acrobat! My whole belly is just one big wavepool. Sam saw it move last night. He's saw Christopher just do little kicks and spurts before, but nothing major like this. It was a good one. Christopher just literally rolled over and my whole stomach changed shape. It morphed. haha. Whenever I tried to show Sam before the little bugger would be shy and stop moving. What a turkey =) Well, I'm going to move my bed and get the bassinet in my room. don't worry. The bed's light, it's just an airmattress on top of the frame and it has wheels so I'm all clear to move it! I'm psyched. I love changing my room around


35 weeks + 4 days


Can't believe this weather

It's * snowing *. * I * can't * believe * it *. I * thought * the * snow * was * done * for * the * year *?*?!* But * NOPE * ! * I * guess * the * warm * and * sunshiney * weather * last * week * was * just * a * teaser *.

Those were snowflakes, by the way :) Kind of having one of those days. I've been a little moody and just kind of down. Which is no fun. Had the APPLE appt today. That went well. We watched a video on newborn care. I learned that newborns get acne? What the heck. Poor kids. I thought that was only for teenagers. And they also get funny little white bumps on their noses, which you are NOT supposed to pop. I think I might have a problem with that. I have an obsession with popping things. haha. I hate zits, etc... But the video was pretty interesting. I actually learned alot from it. Like how exactly to give a newborn a bath before you can put them in the water and their skin heals and their little belly button thing dries up. Stuff that I hadn't really thought about before! Babies are so cute though. The lady doing our appointment today was very funny. Nice too. She called the lactation consultants "nursing nazi's".... ha! I got a kick out of that one. But she said they're really nice and not to be worried. Sooo breastfeeding. Yeah. Going to give it a try and see how it goes. To be honest the only reason I'm really doing it is because you're uterus is supposed to contract faster and you lose the baby weight sooner. That might be a tad selfish, but it's the truth! I was always intending on pumping and stuff because it's better for the baby. We'll have to see. I'm just going to play it by ear. I won't be super disappointed if I just end up pumping and using bottles. I think bottles are cuter anyways. And then other people will be able to feed him and not just me! So that's how that's going to go!

Dad came up today and brought me some baby stuff. I had a wall hanging made for Christopher's room.... it says "BABY". Each letter has a different "block" (it's made of cloth) and there are blue and yellow rubber ducks on them. Really cute! I also got some homemade burpcloths and blankets for his room, and dad bought a rocking chair. Which is going to be nice for late night feedings...

Well.... I am going to make some supper. Kind of late but, oh well! Annnnd, dad also brought a large air bed. So I don't have to sleep on the dilapitated crappy airmattress in the living room any more that deflated in 2 hours. That's where I've been for the past month and a half. It's a queen size airbed so we took my mattress off (it's too hard to sleep on) and put it on there. OMG. So comfy. I'm excited to sleep in my room tonight! Woohoooo


4-1-1 on Baby

Gender : Boy
Name : Christopher Michael
Age : 33 weeks + 2 days
Due Date : March 21, 09
Approx. Current weight : 6.5 lbs
Nursery Theme : Blue / Yellow Rubber ducks!!
Personality : Shy. I think he's going to be a lil shy because whenever I get the camera out to record him moving, he stops. And he also stops moving when anybody else puts their hand on my belly.

<3 + Burn = heartburn

Hola. Feeling pretty much 100% better. Completely over the flu! Yay. Went to bed pretty early last night, for me anyways. Woke up at 5 a.m. though with really bad reflux again. So I paced the apartment for 20 minutes and got a little glass of water, then went back to bed. I have to sleep with a few pillows supporting me and keeping me upright, otherwise that makes it worse. It blows waking up to that. Other than that though everything's good. Staying away from spicy foods and chocolate (specifically fudge brownies.... I found those made my reflux act up). I think I'm learning how to get it under control. Downloaded Laugh and Learn About Childbirth. It's actually pretty good. The instructor is funny and it's not boring to watch. Hopefully Sam and I will be 1 up on all of the other people in our Childbirth Saturday class which is coming up this Saturday. 8 1/2 hours we're going to be there.... AH?! But I figured that'd be better than dragging it out for 4 weeks. I would be less motivated to go. Since we already toured the hospital and are watching this video, if this Saturday just seems like re-run info we're going to head out early. I think I've pretty much prepared myself and we won't need to stay if it's all just repeated stuff; and I think people have gotten by without going to any sort of childbirth class whatsoever or reading any books. I figure we'll be just fine.

Other than that. Not much else to report! I'm finding my wardrobe less and less attractive lately. It takes me 20 min just to find something to wear that I'm comfortable in. I feel like a whale =( Shamu for sure! haha. I guess that's normal though considering I'm almost 9 months pregnant! I don't feel as big as I thought I would. I always envisioned myself being just enourmous when I was pregnant. I mean, sure I've got quite the belly, but I just always thought I would be larger. Maybe you just adjust to being pregnant though. haha. I'm sure if you were to strap the belly that I have now on an unpregnant me I'd go into shock! But yup. Downloaded Baby Mama to watch.... I love that movie. It's so cute. On a less positive note my hand's still tingly and numb. That won't go away until after delivery. It's caused by all the extra fluid and stuff in my joints that it just presses on the nerves in my wrist and makes my hand tingly all the time. It's alot worse when I'm driving (probably not good!). Sometimes my entire hand goes numb. But I can still move it, just not feel anything. Pretty weird feeling. Well, I suppose. Gotta get the darn dishes done. Ugh. My dad's coming tomorrow and bringing the queen size air bed so I will be able to sleep in my bed again! YAY!! We're going to take the hard mattress off and put the air bed on my bed frame instead and that's what I'll have til the baby gets here. It'll be much better than the piece of crap airmattress we have now that's stationed in the living room and deflates within 2 hours of sleeping on it. Ick.


35 weeks + 2 days


35 Weeks

Technically I'm a day late, but I've been sick for the past few days and yesterday was just the pits. Had the really bad flu =( For VALENTINE'S Day... which I'd been looking forward to for a couple weeks. That sucked. Felt sick the night before. Went to bed early. Woke up at 4, sat in the bathtub til about 5.30. Started throwing up. Was in there until nearly 7. Woke the neighbors up. haha. That was a little embarassing, but, they had it coming. That's for the nights when they were drunk and puking all night. At least I had a good excuse! I felt really crappy. Throwing up is just the worst. For me, it's the worst thing in the world. I'll admit it even. I can handle anything but throwing up. I just start bawling. Probably the most pathetic person in the world! haha. But whatever. So then I threw my contacts in and went in the kitchen and Sam had left me my Valentine present there from the night before =D That made me feel better. He made a card.... it's so cute. It's the best card I've ever gotten. I just love it. And he got me this big, soft super adorable Valentine puppy. It's name is Corpsegrinder. Yes. I know, but there's a story behind it. To make the story short we were answering questions on Yahoo and somebody had a joke question of "I want to name my daughter Corpsegrinder, but my wife doesn't like it?" We thought it was hilarious. Don't worry, I'll call it CG for short. It matches the other lil teddy bear he got me. It's name is Basher. Wow, I have some menacing stuffed animal names!!! But that was really sweet. So me and CG cuddled on the couch all morning. Sam made me chicken broth and saltines all day. So much for the romantic dinner! But it's alright. We made up for it today.

Week 35. Ah! It's going by so fast. I was worried I wasn't getting enough nutrition the last couple of days, with not being able to keep anything down. So I'm glad I got to eat more today. So far so good. Been having problems though with heartburn. Really, really bad heartburn. I am going to ask the midwife on Tuesday about it. I think mine might actually have crossed the line into acid reflux / GERD. Which wouldn't be that abnormal, it happens during pregnancy. Especially the last few weeks when the baby's pretty big and everything's really squished. On top of being sick even when I do get food down I can only eat so much. Then within half hour of eating it just burns and sometimes it's bad enough where that alone makes me want to puke. I have to wake up every couple hours during the night to grab a yogurt or something otherwise my stomach starts to get so hungry that I get heartburn from that. Ugh. I've been pacing around the apartment, literally, at about 4 a.m. because it helps relieve it. Light walking does some good after sleeping or sitting for so long. I'm thinking about maybe walking down to the end of the hall and back, but the floors are so creaky I don't want to wake anybody up. That and I'm paranoid I could be abducted by creepy apartment people. haha. I know, I'm so strange!

Anyways. What else is new in the last week.....? Hm. Ahhh yes. I washed all of his baby clothes from newborn up to 6 months and his little blankets. They're so adorable but a PAIN IN THE ASS. . . for some reason his clothes don't want to dry right! It's insane. And I of course don't want to shrink them. I was getting so frustrated. I ended up doing all of our laundry for about 3 hours. The wash room was really really warm though. I had to open up the window! My hormones give me hot flashes something horrible. I feel bad for Sam some days when he's in sweats and a sweatshirt and I'm in a tank and shorts with the windows wide open and the porch door open and its only 20 out. haha. That's been improving. I also had a couple break down moments the past week. Hormones.... yet again. That and I haven't been feeling the best. But other than that, nothing else to report for what to expect for week 35. Really nothing's changed. Baby's getting bigger. It says he probably weighs on average 5 lbs 10 oz..... which means Christopher probably weighs like 6 1/2 lbs! haha. 18 inches (on average). Crazy. There's really an 18 in 6 1/2 lb baby all balled up in my belly? It's just nuts looking at my belly and thinking that. He has to be so uncomfortable. And then there's that daunting question..... that baby has to come out... where?? And it's going to fit.... HOW??? haha..... ahhhhh We'll just see how that goes. It's like a time bomb. I'm just counting down the days!!

P.S. Yes Man = Hilarious movie. We loved it.