

Had a wonderful Christmas! Got lots of stuff. PINK lotion, Bath and Body Works, Mary Kay make-up products (loooove it), Satin Hands from Mary Kay, earrings, hats gloves, an industrial sized box of diapers (I am pretty sure there's 300 in there), and my aunt made a tie blanket for the baby :) It was really ironic because I am doing the baby's room in blue and yellow with rubber ducks and the blanket was blue with yellow ducks on one side and just plain yellow on the other! So that worked out really well. I am getting more excited! I picked up a shower gift from a friend the other night and she included a picture frame, which is adorable. I would've never thought of it!

Now I'm chilling in Michigan at my grandparents house. The ride was kind of long. Its a little over a 4 hour drive and that's usually without weather problems. But luckily the roads were clear yesterday. I am glad I didn't drink that much before we left because after the interstate there's about an hour of driving where you barely run into any gas stations and I think it's a little too cold to just hop out of the car and pop a squat in the snow!! The trip here though has been relaxing which I love. We're going shopping today to get baby shower decor and everything. Then maybe hitting up a couple of stores up here. I am thinking about coloring my hair.... but I haven't completely decided yet. I am nervous that I would dye it darker and it would look ridiculous.

Slept pretty good last night! My back has been killing me =( Which isn't any fun so I have to sleep a certain way. Had to take my rings off because my fingers just swelled right up and now are the equivalent to small sausages. Baby's been moving more and more and I found that we must be on opposite schedules. He wants to be awake.... when I am SLEEPING! ...and consequently I am usually awake then too because he does acrobat moves around my belly which is a little distracting. I don't mind though. It's pretty neat to feel him in there.

Well I / We are going to go get ready for the day and shopping.


5:55 AM --- backache

Well.... things would be much better if I could actually sleep. There's a slight chance that will happen before 8 when I am supposed to be awake and getting ready to go to my appointment. I tried moving to the couch even, but no luck. Sitting hurts; sitting on kitchen chairs hurts, I tried all of the chairs in the living room, I can't lie down; on my side, back, or obviously stomach.... so I guess that leaves me with standing?? haha..... Maybe its all the extra boob weight. Because it hurts way up high. Like I really needed them to get bigger! Ugh. I should probably do the dishes. But... they would probably aggravate my backache =) So I think I'll sit here with a pillow behind my back, "good posture", ice cream, and watch "When a Stranger Calls"!


Christmas Cookies

Well, today I continued making Christmas cookies. At first I was really excited about them. Then it just got downright exhausting. The sad fact is that I haven't even got that many to show for it! The cookies I was making turned out to be very delicate and lets face it.... I'm not exactly graceful at removing cookies from the pan. So half of them ended up crumbled and are now sitting in a tupperware container on my counter. I guess those are the ones I WON'T be giving away! Aside from the fact that they ended up in pieces the cookies taste really good. I had to take a few breaks though because my back has been killing me and even bending over to take cookies out of the oven is painful. But I suppose I can't complain because this is really the first time I've been having pregnancy "annoyances" like that.

I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning.... BRIGHT AND EARLY!! 9.15 a.m. I am not looking forward to all of the water I'll be drinking starting around 7. They're doing the ultrasound again because the baby's head was 1 mm (yes that's millimeter) over what their "normal" measurings are. But the doctor and radiologist are confident that it was probably just a technical measuring error. He was moving around so much last time she had a hard time taking his measurements!! I am excited though; I love ultrasounds! They're so much fun. Hopefully I'll get some more pictures to hang on the fridge. I also have my 28 week gestational diabetes test tomorrow and some shots to look forward to.... woo-hoo. I am hoping everything goes well. Alright -- back to cookies and the dishes!