
Balsamic Vinegar : Ancient Chinese Myth

Nothing. Midwife said that if it was fluid, I probably just sprung a "high-leak" (sp?). It wasn't enough to be concerned about since I am not still leaking anything. Going grocery shopping right now to get some eggs to make brownies and some balsamic vinegar; The ancient chinese myth to start labor. I am just going to die if it actually works! Well, not literally die, but you get the analogy.


Laying in bed this morning and I just had a mini gush of fluid. Called the midwife. Now I'm laying on my side in bed for an hour. If it's amniotic fluid she said chances are it will pool up and then gush out again when I stand up. I'm hoping that's what all of those rice krispie popping noises were. But, knowing my luck, he probably just pressed embrassingly on my bladder or something...... rrrrr. But I'll hope for the best because if it's fluid we'll be in the hospital today.


39 Weeks + 5 days

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I rearranged my room last night, by myself, at 1 a.m. It was very rejuvenating. I may or may not have pounded a picture frame nail into the wall adjoining my neighbors bedroom. But hey, that's payback for their late night drunken puke sessions that occur all-too-often on the weekends. In fact, I hope I woke them up! They're going to get a nice surprise in about a week when there's a crying little baby. ha HA! Anyways. I contemplated vacuuming, but decided that might be pushing it a little too much. Found the car keys I've been looking for since probably November. Yeah, they were on my nightstand all along. It's just that I was too short to see them behind the large vase thing. Pretty embarassing they've been in the open all along.

What's been driving me crazy? PEOPLE CALLING. Specifically relatives. Specifically one relative whom I will not mention.... ughhh. Anyways. I love that everybody cares, and I know everyone's interested, but I simply don't have enough time to answer everyone's call and tell them the same info. I'm trying to relax! So, I'm changing my answering machine. I'll let them know when I'm going into labor, not vice versa. I have people calling and asking if I'm in labor. It's just like, GEEEEEZ no. Do you think with the amount of times you call me I could actually forget to call you when I go in? I guess I'm also testy about it because I'm so impatient. I know that doesn't help. My mom's friend at work suggested balsamic vinegar and oil; it's supposed to be a chinese remedy that worked for her! We'll see. I'm going to the store tomorrow. I ate spicy food for dinner at TGIF's. Maybe that'll do it. But somehow I think this stubborn little stinker isn't coming out until he's good and ready. Oh, and TMI but I lost my mucus plug... it was just as disgusting and unmistakable as the class described, and I had the bloody show. They're caused by the cervix thinning out and dilating even more and are sometimes associated with women going into labor in the next 48 hours. They happened yesterday around 4, but I don't want to get my hopes up.


6 min. apart

I was having really strong contractions last night. They started around 6 pm and kept getting stronger. Finally started timing them and they were 6 min. apart for 3 hours. Couldn't get rid of them, even when I changed position. I went to bed and I was still having them. However I woke up and they were gone. So disappointing. I'm going to go for a walk and hopefully they will start up again. I really want to have him in the next couple of days here. But I definitely don't think he's going to come out until HE's ready.... no matter how much coaxing I give him!


Did I mention??.....

When she was doing the exam today she could already feel his head. Her direct words, "Whooa girl, he is LOW!" So.... YAY! That's good news.

Here's the scoop :
3 cm dilated
75% effaced
0 pelvic station

39 week appointment

Had my membranes stripped today at my appointment. I can't tell you that it was the most pleasant experience; but it definitely wasn't the most painful thing I'd ever felt, like I had read on some of the websites. My cervix is even really far back and it took her awhile to finally get at it. Maybe I just have a higher pain tolerance... I'd like to think so anyways. Most of the discomfort was taken away by the news that I was dilated to a 3 just within the past week and am 75% effaced (thinned out, that's a good thing)! I was so excited that everything else was just sort of blurred. That was good news. That's why I've been feeling so much more pressure and discomfort the past week. I lost my mucus plug and didn't even notice. Dilating to a 3 is the "early phase of labor" and I passed it without even noticing! I'm pretty excited about that. Maybe all of that walking did some good after all. However, I'm not experiencing any contractions whatsoever. Big downer. I was really hoping that procedure would work. Essentially what they do is separate the bottom of the amniotic sac from the cervix in hopes that it causes the uterus to contract more and help the cervix open. If the procedure is going to work she said it generally will start within the first 32-48 hours and you'll deliver within 72 hours. hmph. I went for a walk and tried to stay standing but so far nothing.

I didn't gain any more weight. My stomach was at nearly 43 cm, so he's still growing! She said I am mostly carrying out front, which I already knew. When I lay down my belly just sticks straight up in the air! His heartbeat was 150 bpm's today. Perfect! He's healthy and doing good. He's just being stubborn and doesn't want to come out yet. I don't blame him. It's probably very warm and cozy in there. Well, maybe a little squished now. My dad and brother came up tonight and brought me my bookcase and my dad's friend made me some curtains for the nursery. She did a great job -- they look so cute! They're dark blue and thick so they'll block out all of the sunlight for the baby. I just want to have him already. I've been getting a little more of an "ominous" feeling, though. Just kind of a calm. I think I don't have much longer to wait. Geez. But what do I know? I'm just speculating. I have no idea what to expect. At least I hope I don't have much longer =) We're ready to meet our lil man!

39 weeks + 3 days


Having my membranes stripped.....

Tomorrow is my 39 week appointment. I called the midwives today to ask them about having my membranes stripped. Turns out they were going to ask me about it anyways. They generally don't do it before 40 weeks, but since he's so big they want to give it a try. Here's basically what it is; they do a pelvic exam. Then they take a finger or this other instrument and rub it around the outside of the cervix. If it works it causes the bottom part of the amniotic sac to separate from the cervix. This causes more pressure to be exerted on the top of the cervix and makes it dilate (hopefully). Another thing it's thought to do is release prostglandins around the cervix which help it thin out. So, I am going for a nice long walk tonight and another one tomorrow morning before the appointment to make sure his head is really low. =) Fingers crossed this will work! It doesn't work for everybody, but if it's going to work at all, labor will begin within 48 hours after the procedure. Who knows? Some women start experiencing contractions within the first 5 minutes. I hope I'm one of them. My dad and brother are also coming up tomorrow. I told them to have their overnight bags with them, just in case! I am, however, just kind of feeling up and down right now, emotional wise. It's sort of crazy! On one hand I'm really excited to meet him and I've been waiting. But, on the other hand, I'm just completely a total freaking mess. Am I really ready? Like, oh crap. If this works tomorrow there's no going back, and in 2 days I'll be taking home a crying, pooping baby, that I'm completely responsible for. That's scary. I think it's normal to be up and down, though. I hope so anyways. I'm not going to lie and say my feelings are all peaches and rose blossoms, because they're not! I don't want to give anybody the impression that I am naive enough not to realize this is changing the rest of my life. I'm scared. But I'm also more excited than I've ever been about anything. Such weird feelings!


39 weeks + 2 days

Natural Labor Induction Methods

Ok. So I'm still really impatient. I just want to go into the hospital already. No joke. I feel like I'm going insane with all of this waiting. Here are some of the methods I've tried. If you really want to know the other couple of them, you can look them up.

Walking / Light aerobic exercise

Food - SUPPOSEDLY spicy foods and pineapple get you ready for labor. Well I've been eating one spicy meal a day for the past week. Pineapple is supposed to ripen and do something to the cervix.... I've eaten at least 3 whole pineapples in the past 3 weeks.

Herbs - Black cohosh tea and red raspberry leaf tea. Black cohosh stimulates labor.... it's obviously not worked yet. The red raspberry leaf tea doesn't actually bring labor on, it just tones the uterus which helps the contraction be more effective when you actually, FINALLY are in labor.

Walking - I've walked so friggin much it's not even funny. My pelvis aches so bad. I walk at least 1-2 miles a day. Some days it's just the halls of the apartment for an hour but I try to go outside with all the hills. They're killer. This better pay off.

Acupressure - The past 5 nights I've done the foot massage / pressure point thing before I go to bed. "Reflexology" I think it's called. I dunno. You put pressure in a circular motion on the inner sides of your feet. You can tell where the points are because they feel like you're pushing on a bruise when you find them. I get excited because these do stimulate contractions for me! Sometimes quite strong, but they never become regular =*(

Another one that's supposed to bring on labor is Castor Oil.... yeah. Ick. It gives you the diarrhea. Sorry, but this is one thing I am not willing to try. Especially if it actually worked! That's the last thing I would want. No way. Well, I'm hoping that using all of these will pay off. I know the walking will help even if it doesn't make me go in early. It's just kind of frustrating and discouraging because I thought he'd be here by now. To mentally prep yourself for something and then have to wait, and wait, and wait, and wait is just exhausting. They tell you to be ready from 37 weeks onward. It makes sense because some babies are born that early. But it just really gets to you after awhile having to be in "baby-ready mode" for 4+ weeks. Ugh. It's work! I'm hoping very, very soon for the sake of my own sanity. I am going nuts just sitting around waiting!

This funny looking picture I think describes how I feel right now!! =) It made me laugh, too.


39 weeks + 2 days