

So funny that less that 2 hours after I wrote that last post I ended up going into labor. Maybe it was the balsamic vinegar? I might swear by that. Within 30 min. of me eating my vinegar soaked bagel I started having contractions. Well, perhaps we should tie that in with the walking, grocery shopping, pineapple, raspberry tea, acupressure foot massage, and spicy taco bell food; all of which I had that day! haha. If any day was a day I was going to go into labor, that was it!

My contractions started around 11 pm and I put 2 and 2 together around 11:30 when they weren't going away, were 4 minutes apart, and were getting worse. A contraction feels like a sharp stabbing pain (very distinguishable) and the worst period cramps you'll ever get, EVER! But in a way they felt good because all I kept thinking was "I won't be pregnant tomorrow!!!". =) Sam decided to take a nap because we knew that if this was it he probably wouldn't be getting much sleep that night. It was fine with me because I had already started my laundry and we had to wait for that to get done before we went to the hospital anyways. Go figure. I should've known better than to start laundry... that's what made the contractions start! haha. I'm actually glad I did laundry that night otherwise I have a feeling I would've been wearing dirty clothes for a long time. I finally woke Sam back up a little after 1 a.m. because I was in alot of pain and wanted to get to the hospital A.S.A.P. Well, upon trying to wake him here is the response I get : "But I've only been sleeping for ONE hour.....".... ............................................................................................................... (dramatic pause)........ you have NO idea how pissed I was when he said that! I could've ________ you can fill in the blank. Here I was in pain, sort of miserable, OH YEAH : IN LABOR! and HE was complaining because he'd only got ONE HOUR OF SLEEP. Let me tell you something : I had no sympathy for him whatsoever. Then after he was roused I figured it would be 10 / 15 min. before we were in the car tops. Nope. He decides to take a shower. OMG ---> I was not happy. I just sat in the rocking chair and cried because I was frustrated and exhausted. But we were finally in the car around 2 a.m. and checked into the hospital at about 2:15 a.m. Went up to labor and delivery and I was already 5 cm. My contractions had started in active labor phase (abnormal for a first labor) but I was lucky because that meant less waiting time! After sitting on the birthing ball for about 30 min. and walking the halls for not even 10 (too much pain) they filled up the waterbirth tub for me. The warm water was an instant relief. It was amazing. At around 4 a.m. or 4:30 they wanted to check me again. I had to get out because it was too painful in the water and I was at a 9! Crazy huh? This would be the only point during my labor where I actually half threatened somebody. It wasn't even that rude and I didn't shout or scream at her (the midwife) but I looked at her and whispered through my teeth, "Ouch, ow. That really hurts. I really want to bite you right now." Ugh. That was probably the most excruciating pain I've been in is when she was checking my cervix in the water and I was having transitional phase contractions. Wowie. Then they asked if I wanted to have my water broken to speed things up and I figured what the heck. So they got the hook out and broke my water. Which sounds painful? But you don't feel a thing. I especially didn't notice the ton of fluid gushing out because I was already wet. But, when I walked to the bathroom it kind of freaked me out because it was just leaking.... haha.... I remember standing in one spot like fixated on the floor not wanting to move and they were all laughing... Then I hopped back into the tub. They massaged my shoulders with labor progressing lotion and stuff and I was on all fours in the water to relieve some of the pressure and pain I was experiencing in my back. But I got to a point where I didn't want there to be any other noise going on so I could focus on just getting through the pain and the contraction; which actually takes alot of concentration! And that's also when I no longer wanted to be touched, at all.

Sooo after that there were lots more contractions. They feel like a horrible stabbing cramp occampanied by that sunburn and burning down below. Overall not very pleasant. But.... to make a long story short they thought I would be able to start pushing, but it turns out his head got stuck on part of my cervix and let me tell you that pain was pretty excruciating. Wanting to push and not being able to. Owwwwch. But finally they got the cervix around his head and it was go time! I have never been more relieved in my entire life. Just the feeling and knowing that in a matter of minutes I'd get to meet my world. There were a thousand emotions and questions like, "What's he going to look like?" and "Is that beer I had before I knew I was preggo going to have affected him?" I was worried... and had been paranoid my entire pregnancy actually. But soon enough they said they could see the head (not as much hair as previously expected) and then his cord got wrapped around his neck and he was blue so I really had to push. It was a state of emergency. They had everybody in there holding my legs and stuff and essentially they ripped him out. No joke. It was life or death because his shoulders were putting pressure on the cord and he wasn't getting oxygen. They put him on me right away. He felt squishy and wet and he was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my entire life. <3 Indescribable. It was love at first sight. But I didn't cry? I wonder if I'm abnormal. I just wanted to say hello. He was so gorgeous. And I didn't feel any pain right away! I know, so cliche. Everybody says it; and now I know why! Because it's true! You're so focused on the amazing new being that you don't notice a thing. Only until they took him away did I look down at the disgusting water I was sitting in. That's when they had to get me out because I thought I was going to be sick. But overall it was wonderful! Especially for a first time. Short(ish) labor, no drugs, and a beautiful, amazing, adorable, gorgeous, PERFECT! 10 lb 3 oz 21 1/2 inch baby boy.

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