
Acupressure Points

So, I'm back. I have my red raspberry leaf tea (which is supposed to soften the cervix and tone the uterus and get it ready for labor! in case you were wondering...) and am reading up on natural labor induction methods. I was reading through the list a couple minutes ago and there are a few teas you can try etc, etc and castor oil, which doesn't sound like fun because that gives you diarrhea and then I get to acupressure. I've heard about this, like women going in to have a pedicure if they're having prelabor symptoms and then they'll start going into labor afterwards. Supposedely, there are points on your body that correspond to your reproductive organs and pregnancy. Ok, so here's a little background info; the other night, after I was done taking my bath, I noticed there was a point on the bottom inner sole of my foot that hurt when I massaged it. (I like massaging peppermint foot oil and cream into my feet before bed. It's my fav!) Anyways. I noticed it when I was about 4 months pregnant, but the other night it was just reeeally bad, and sore. Well, I thought it was a blood blister or something until I realized it was in the exact same spot on my other foot. I figured it was just swelling or something pressing on my muscles. Alright. So here I am reading acupressure points on the body that correspond with pregnancy and the most common ones are the webbing between the thumb and pointer finger, 4 finger-lengths above the ankle bone on the calf, and the most uncommon one that not all women experience? The bottom of the foot on the inner sole! I couldn't believe it. Then I was thinking back and remembered that after I massaged my foot that night I did have some pretty intense Braxton Hicks contractions. Well, being the curious person that I am, I just had to try it out again. I started massaging the bottom of my foot right where the sore spot was, and guess what? Braxton Hick's contraction within 30 seconds and it was really strong!! Crazy huh? I think now that I tested that out I'm probably going to leave the foot massages out of my routine for at least a week.
=) But I just had to share. I thought it was pretty nifty.

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