
36 weeks + 2 days

So I've been looking up natural induction techniques on the internet that you can start trying at 37 weeks (which I will be this coming Saturday) and I'm really thinking about doing some! I'm going to talk to the midwife tomorrow at my appointment and see what she thinks. They're doing my Group B strep test tomorrow. Half of all women have this bacteria "down there" which isn't harmful or anything, it's completely normal, but if you do have it you need antibiotics when you go into labor because it can make the baby sick. So, not really a big deal either way. They're also doing the pelvic exam (......can't wait......) to check effacement (how thin the cervix is), dilation (if it's opening up at all) and his pelvic station (where he's sitting above or below certain points on my hips). So, that shall be exciting! I always love pelvic exams..... But if everything looks good tomorrow as in he's sitting right and I'm at least 40% effaced I think I'm going to start trying some of these methods and hope that they'll bring labor on maybe a week or a week and a half sooner! I wish it was warmer outside. I've been really energetic and I want to go for walks but even though it's sunny and gorgeous it's only about 10 degrees right now. Boo. Walking is supposed to be really good for getting the baby positioned and helping him drop even further. Not too much longer left to go! So exciting.


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