
Cravings / Aversions : First Trimester

Aversion : "Surprise Packages"
It was still summertime. Sunshine. Grilled food. My dad likes to cook these things he calls "surprise packages". It's really not a surprise at all. They're hamburger sized pieces of pork topped with cheese, onions, grilled peppers and then wrapped in bacon. He usually throws them on the grill, sometimes cooked over the fire. And he doesn't make them for just our family -- let me tell you. He believes that these masterpieces are so delicious he essentially cooks for the neighborhood and any acquaintance he's ever come into contact with. To the point. It was shortly after I found out I was pregnant when he decided it was that "time of the month" to whip those bad boys up. I remember the smell of them when he brought the steaming platter into the house with that big grin on his face. I will never forget the smell of those pork patties. Sweet, steaming, and horrible. It was all I could do to not throw up right then and there; before I'd even gotten one on my plate, much less into my mouth! Ugh... and the next day. I woke up to grab a glass of milk and there they were. Just sitting there in the refrigerator; taunting me. The smell bothered me so bad, I couldn't even open up the fridge door! In an attempt to rid the house of the odor I pulled my sweatshirt up and put scented lotion right under my nose. I actually got out the backdoor with the platter of them until the stench started coming through the lotion/sweathshirt barrier and I had to drop the platter (not literally) and run into the house where I subsequently got sick in the bathroom. My brother ended up having to take the plate of them out to the other refrigerator in the garage.

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