
Natural Labor Induction Methods

Ok. So I'm still really impatient. I just want to go into the hospital already. No joke. I feel like I'm going insane with all of this waiting. Here are some of the methods I've tried. If you really want to know the other couple of them, you can look them up.

Walking / Light aerobic exercise

Food - SUPPOSEDLY spicy foods and pineapple get you ready for labor. Well I've been eating one spicy meal a day for the past week. Pineapple is supposed to ripen and do something to the cervix.... I've eaten at least 3 whole pineapples in the past 3 weeks.

Herbs - Black cohosh tea and red raspberry leaf tea. Black cohosh stimulates labor.... it's obviously not worked yet. The red raspberry leaf tea doesn't actually bring labor on, it just tones the uterus which helps the contraction be more effective when you actually, FINALLY are in labor.

Walking - I've walked so friggin much it's not even funny. My pelvis aches so bad. I walk at least 1-2 miles a day. Some days it's just the halls of the apartment for an hour but I try to go outside with all the hills. They're killer. This better pay off.

Acupressure - The past 5 nights I've done the foot massage / pressure point thing before I go to bed. "Reflexology" I think it's called. I dunno. You put pressure in a circular motion on the inner sides of your feet. You can tell where the points are because they feel like you're pushing on a bruise when you find them. I get excited because these do stimulate contractions for me! Sometimes quite strong, but they never become regular =*(

Another one that's supposed to bring on labor is Castor Oil.... yeah. Ick. It gives you the diarrhea. Sorry, but this is one thing I am not willing to try. Especially if it actually worked! That's the last thing I would want. No way. Well, I'm hoping that using all of these will pay off. I know the walking will help even if it doesn't make me go in early. It's just kind of frustrating and discouraging because I thought he'd be here by now. To mentally prep yourself for something and then have to wait, and wait, and wait, and wait is just exhausting. They tell you to be ready from 37 weeks onward. It makes sense because some babies are born that early. But it just really gets to you after awhile having to be in "baby-ready mode" for 4+ weeks. Ugh. It's work! I'm hoping very, very soon for the sake of my own sanity. I am going nuts just sitting around waiting!

This funny looking picture I think describes how I feel right now!! =) It made me laugh, too.


39 weeks + 2 days

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