
37 Weeks + 6 days.......heartburn

Ugh. I thought this whole heartburn phase was over with! Just when things were getting better. Not as many leg cramps, my ribs/lungs quit hurting, and the heartburn was gone. Psych! It's back. I went to bed early at 10.15. Woke up a little before midnight to that familiar burning sensation and gross taste in my mouth. Reflux, or whatever. Yucky. and it's now 4.19 and i'm still awake. I wish I had some Tums. I tried a glass of milk. I tried cottage cheese. I even tried an apple and that usually helps; nothin'! I did lay back down for about an hour but I never actually fell asleep. I started cleaning the apartment. But then I got pooped. Now I'm relaxing on the couch. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to bed soon. But laying down doesn't help heartburn. It makes it worse because more "stuff" comes back up so I'm trying to stay upright. Rrrrr...... not too much longer of this though! I hope....

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