

So funny that less that 2 hours after I wrote that last post I ended up going into labor. Maybe it was the balsamic vinegar? I might swear by that. Within 30 min. of me eating my vinegar soaked bagel I started having contractions. Well, perhaps we should tie that in with the walking, grocery shopping, pineapple, raspberry tea, acupressure foot massage, and spicy taco bell food; all of which I had that day! haha. If any day was a day I was going to go into labor, that was it!

My contractions started around 11 pm and I put 2 and 2 together around 11:30 when they weren't going away, were 4 minutes apart, and were getting worse. A contraction feels like a sharp stabbing pain (very distinguishable) and the worst period cramps you'll ever get, EVER! But in a way they felt good because all I kept thinking was "I won't be pregnant tomorrow!!!". =) Sam decided to take a nap because we knew that if this was it he probably wouldn't be getting much sleep that night. It was fine with me because I had already started my laundry and we had to wait for that to get done before we went to the hospital anyways. Go figure. I should've known better than to start laundry... that's what made the contractions start! haha. I'm actually glad I did laundry that night otherwise I have a feeling I would've been wearing dirty clothes for a long time. I finally woke Sam back up a little after 1 a.m. because I was in alot of pain and wanted to get to the hospital A.S.A.P. Well, upon trying to wake him here is the response I get : "But I've only been sleeping for ONE hour.....".... ............................................................................................................... (dramatic pause)........ you have NO idea how pissed I was when he said that! I could've ________ you can fill in the blank. Here I was in pain, sort of miserable, OH YEAH : IN LABOR! and HE was complaining because he'd only got ONE HOUR OF SLEEP. Let me tell you something : I had no sympathy for him whatsoever. Then after he was roused I figured it would be 10 / 15 min. before we were in the car tops. Nope. He decides to take a shower. OMG ---> I was not happy. I just sat in the rocking chair and cried because I was frustrated and exhausted. But we were finally in the car around 2 a.m. and checked into the hospital at about 2:15 a.m. Went up to labor and delivery and I was already 5 cm. My contractions had started in active labor phase (abnormal for a first labor) but I was lucky because that meant less waiting time! After sitting on the birthing ball for about 30 min. and walking the halls for not even 10 (too much pain) they filled up the waterbirth tub for me. The warm water was an instant relief. It was amazing. At around 4 a.m. or 4:30 they wanted to check me again. I had to get out because it was too painful in the water and I was at a 9! Crazy huh? This would be the only point during my labor where I actually half threatened somebody. It wasn't even that rude and I didn't shout or scream at her (the midwife) but I looked at her and whispered through my teeth, "Ouch, ow. That really hurts. I really want to bite you right now." Ugh. That was probably the most excruciating pain I've been in is when she was checking my cervix in the water and I was having transitional phase contractions. Wowie. Then they asked if I wanted to have my water broken to speed things up and I figured what the heck. So they got the hook out and broke my water. Which sounds painful? But you don't feel a thing. I especially didn't notice the ton of fluid gushing out because I was already wet. But, when I walked to the bathroom it kind of freaked me out because it was just leaking.... haha.... I remember standing in one spot like fixated on the floor not wanting to move and they were all laughing... Then I hopped back into the tub. They massaged my shoulders with labor progressing lotion and stuff and I was on all fours in the water to relieve some of the pressure and pain I was experiencing in my back. But I got to a point where I didn't want there to be any other noise going on so I could focus on just getting through the pain and the contraction; which actually takes alot of concentration! And that's also when I no longer wanted to be touched, at all.

Sooo after that there were lots more contractions. They feel like a horrible stabbing cramp occampanied by that sunburn and burning down below. Overall not very pleasant. But.... to make a long story short they thought I would be able to start pushing, but it turns out his head got stuck on part of my cervix and let me tell you that pain was pretty excruciating. Wanting to push and not being able to. Owwwwch. But finally they got the cervix around his head and it was go time! I have never been more relieved in my entire life. Just the feeling and knowing that in a matter of minutes I'd get to meet my world. There were a thousand emotions and questions like, "What's he going to look like?" and "Is that beer I had before I knew I was preggo going to have affected him?" I was worried... and had been paranoid my entire pregnancy actually. But soon enough they said they could see the head (not as much hair as previously expected) and then his cord got wrapped around his neck and he was blue so I really had to push. It was a state of emergency. They had everybody in there holding my legs and stuff and essentially they ripped him out. No joke. It was life or death because his shoulders were putting pressure on the cord and he wasn't getting oxygen. They put him on me right away. He felt squishy and wet and he was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my entire life. <3 Indescribable. It was love at first sight. But I didn't cry? I wonder if I'm abnormal. I just wanted to say hello. He was so gorgeous. And I didn't feel any pain right away! I know, so cliche. Everybody says it; and now I know why! Because it's true! You're so focused on the amazing new being that you don't notice a thing. Only until they took him away did I look down at the disgusting water I was sitting in. That's when they had to get me out because I thought I was going to be sick. But overall it was wonderful! Especially for a first time. Short(ish) labor, no drugs, and a beautiful, amazing, adorable, gorgeous, PERFECT! 10 lb 3 oz 21 1/2 inch baby boy.


Balsamic Vinegar : Ancient Chinese Myth

Nothing. Midwife said that if it was fluid, I probably just sprung a "high-leak" (sp?). It wasn't enough to be concerned about since I am not still leaking anything. Going grocery shopping right now to get some eggs to make brownies and some balsamic vinegar; The ancient chinese myth to start labor. I am just going to die if it actually works! Well, not literally die, but you get the analogy.


Laying in bed this morning and I just had a mini gush of fluid. Called the midwife. Now I'm laying on my side in bed for an hour. If it's amniotic fluid she said chances are it will pool up and then gush out again when I stand up. I'm hoping that's what all of those rice krispie popping noises were. But, knowing my luck, he probably just pressed embrassingly on my bladder or something...... rrrrr. But I'll hope for the best because if it's fluid we'll be in the hospital today.


39 Weeks + 5 days

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I rearranged my room last night, by myself, at 1 a.m. It was very rejuvenating. I may or may not have pounded a picture frame nail into the wall adjoining my neighbors bedroom. But hey, that's payback for their late night drunken puke sessions that occur all-too-often on the weekends. In fact, I hope I woke them up! They're going to get a nice surprise in about a week when there's a crying little baby. ha HA! Anyways. I contemplated vacuuming, but decided that might be pushing it a little too much. Found the car keys I've been looking for since probably November. Yeah, they were on my nightstand all along. It's just that I was too short to see them behind the large vase thing. Pretty embarassing they've been in the open all along.

What's been driving me crazy? PEOPLE CALLING. Specifically relatives. Specifically one relative whom I will not mention.... ughhh. Anyways. I love that everybody cares, and I know everyone's interested, but I simply don't have enough time to answer everyone's call and tell them the same info. I'm trying to relax! So, I'm changing my answering machine. I'll let them know when I'm going into labor, not vice versa. I have people calling and asking if I'm in labor. It's just like, GEEEEEZ no. Do you think with the amount of times you call me I could actually forget to call you when I go in? I guess I'm also testy about it because I'm so impatient. I know that doesn't help. My mom's friend at work suggested balsamic vinegar and oil; it's supposed to be a chinese remedy that worked for her! We'll see. I'm going to the store tomorrow. I ate spicy food for dinner at TGIF's. Maybe that'll do it. But somehow I think this stubborn little stinker isn't coming out until he's good and ready. Oh, and TMI but I lost my mucus plug... it was just as disgusting and unmistakable as the class described, and I had the bloody show. They're caused by the cervix thinning out and dilating even more and are sometimes associated with women going into labor in the next 48 hours. They happened yesterday around 4, but I don't want to get my hopes up.


6 min. apart

I was having really strong contractions last night. They started around 6 pm and kept getting stronger. Finally started timing them and they were 6 min. apart for 3 hours. Couldn't get rid of them, even when I changed position. I went to bed and I was still having them. However I woke up and they were gone. So disappointing. I'm going to go for a walk and hopefully they will start up again. I really want to have him in the next couple of days here. But I definitely don't think he's going to come out until HE's ready.... no matter how much coaxing I give him!


Did I mention??.....

When she was doing the exam today she could already feel his head. Her direct words, "Whooa girl, he is LOW!" So.... YAY! That's good news.

Here's the scoop :
3 cm dilated
75% effaced
0 pelvic station

39 week appointment

Had my membranes stripped today at my appointment. I can't tell you that it was the most pleasant experience; but it definitely wasn't the most painful thing I'd ever felt, like I had read on some of the websites. My cervix is even really far back and it took her awhile to finally get at it. Maybe I just have a higher pain tolerance... I'd like to think so anyways. Most of the discomfort was taken away by the news that I was dilated to a 3 just within the past week and am 75% effaced (thinned out, that's a good thing)! I was so excited that everything else was just sort of blurred. That was good news. That's why I've been feeling so much more pressure and discomfort the past week. I lost my mucus plug and didn't even notice. Dilating to a 3 is the "early phase of labor" and I passed it without even noticing! I'm pretty excited about that. Maybe all of that walking did some good after all. However, I'm not experiencing any contractions whatsoever. Big downer. I was really hoping that procedure would work. Essentially what they do is separate the bottom of the amniotic sac from the cervix in hopes that it causes the uterus to contract more and help the cervix open. If the procedure is going to work she said it generally will start within the first 32-48 hours and you'll deliver within 72 hours. hmph. I went for a walk and tried to stay standing but so far nothing.

I didn't gain any more weight. My stomach was at nearly 43 cm, so he's still growing! She said I am mostly carrying out front, which I already knew. When I lay down my belly just sticks straight up in the air! His heartbeat was 150 bpm's today. Perfect! He's healthy and doing good. He's just being stubborn and doesn't want to come out yet. I don't blame him. It's probably very warm and cozy in there. Well, maybe a little squished now. My dad and brother came up tonight and brought me my bookcase and my dad's friend made me some curtains for the nursery. She did a great job -- they look so cute! They're dark blue and thick so they'll block out all of the sunlight for the baby. I just want to have him already. I've been getting a little more of an "ominous" feeling, though. Just kind of a calm. I think I don't have much longer to wait. Geez. But what do I know? I'm just speculating. I have no idea what to expect. At least I hope I don't have much longer =) We're ready to meet our lil man!

39 weeks + 3 days


Having my membranes stripped.....

Tomorrow is my 39 week appointment. I called the midwives today to ask them about having my membranes stripped. Turns out they were going to ask me about it anyways. They generally don't do it before 40 weeks, but since he's so big they want to give it a try. Here's basically what it is; they do a pelvic exam. Then they take a finger or this other instrument and rub it around the outside of the cervix. If it works it causes the bottom part of the amniotic sac to separate from the cervix. This causes more pressure to be exerted on the top of the cervix and makes it dilate (hopefully). Another thing it's thought to do is release prostglandins around the cervix which help it thin out. So, I am going for a nice long walk tonight and another one tomorrow morning before the appointment to make sure his head is really low. =) Fingers crossed this will work! It doesn't work for everybody, but if it's going to work at all, labor will begin within 48 hours after the procedure. Who knows? Some women start experiencing contractions within the first 5 minutes. I hope I'm one of them. My dad and brother are also coming up tomorrow. I told them to have their overnight bags with them, just in case! I am, however, just kind of feeling up and down right now, emotional wise. It's sort of crazy! On one hand I'm really excited to meet him and I've been waiting. But, on the other hand, I'm just completely a total freaking mess. Am I really ready? Like, oh crap. If this works tomorrow there's no going back, and in 2 days I'll be taking home a crying, pooping baby, that I'm completely responsible for. That's scary. I think it's normal to be up and down, though. I hope so anyways. I'm not going to lie and say my feelings are all peaches and rose blossoms, because they're not! I don't want to give anybody the impression that I am naive enough not to realize this is changing the rest of my life. I'm scared. But I'm also more excited than I've ever been about anything. Such weird feelings!


39 weeks + 2 days

Natural Labor Induction Methods

Ok. So I'm still really impatient. I just want to go into the hospital already. No joke. I feel like I'm going insane with all of this waiting. Here are some of the methods I've tried. If you really want to know the other couple of them, you can look them up.

Walking / Light aerobic exercise

Food - SUPPOSEDLY spicy foods and pineapple get you ready for labor. Well I've been eating one spicy meal a day for the past week. Pineapple is supposed to ripen and do something to the cervix.... I've eaten at least 3 whole pineapples in the past 3 weeks.

Herbs - Black cohosh tea and red raspberry leaf tea. Black cohosh stimulates labor.... it's obviously not worked yet. The red raspberry leaf tea doesn't actually bring labor on, it just tones the uterus which helps the contraction be more effective when you actually, FINALLY are in labor.

Walking - I've walked so friggin much it's not even funny. My pelvis aches so bad. I walk at least 1-2 miles a day. Some days it's just the halls of the apartment for an hour but I try to go outside with all the hills. They're killer. This better pay off.

Acupressure - The past 5 nights I've done the foot massage / pressure point thing before I go to bed. "Reflexology" I think it's called. I dunno. You put pressure in a circular motion on the inner sides of your feet. You can tell where the points are because they feel like you're pushing on a bruise when you find them. I get excited because these do stimulate contractions for me! Sometimes quite strong, but they never become regular =*(

Another one that's supposed to bring on labor is Castor Oil.... yeah. Ick. It gives you the diarrhea. Sorry, but this is one thing I am not willing to try. Especially if it actually worked! That's the last thing I would want. No way. Well, I'm hoping that using all of these will pay off. I know the walking will help even if it doesn't make me go in early. It's just kind of frustrating and discouraging because I thought he'd be here by now. To mentally prep yourself for something and then have to wait, and wait, and wait, and wait is just exhausting. They tell you to be ready from 37 weeks onward. It makes sense because some babies are born that early. But it just really gets to you after awhile having to be in "baby-ready mode" for 4+ weeks. Ugh. It's work! I'm hoping very, very soon for the sake of my own sanity. I am going nuts just sitting around waiting!

This funny looking picture I think describes how I feel right now!! =) It made me laugh, too.


39 weeks + 2 days


39 Weeks

No baby. What the crap. So much for coming early. I'm feeling disheartened today. I feel large and miserable. My stomach gets in the way of everything. I seriously can't get socks on anymore. It was hard before and now it's just impossible. Blah. It's just getting sucky. I am so impatient and anxious. I don't think it helps that my nose is still all plugged up. Hoping that gets better soon; way before I go into labor. But yeah. Here are the preliminary signs of labor :

1.) Weight stabilization ( X )
2.) Loss of mucus plug
3.) Nesting ( X )
4.) Increase in Braxton Hicks ( X )
5.) One that I don't want to mention :D ( X )
6.) Diarrhea
7. ) Engagement / baby drops ( X )

Ok. So, SERIOUSLY! 5/7? Ugh.... Any day now baby....... any day.


Caught a cold

Well, this officially sucks. A week until my actual due date, he could come at any time, and I have a cold. Got it from Sam. Thanks.... But I have to say I'd pick a cold over the flu any day. I just wish it didn't last so long. I thought maybe I would be able to avoid it; took airborne and OD'd on vitamin C / orange juice. Darnit. Went to bed last night with an insanely stuffy nose and chest and woke up with a flaming throat. Rar. I talked to the midwife. Since I'm so close to my due date and because he's all done developing she gave me the 'o.k.' to take some Nyuil. Yay! Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking. It's the middle of the day? But I am pooped and I just want to go to sleep. So I got some Vicks, took the Nyquil, grabbed my bottle of water and am heading to bed. Hopefully I wake up feeling a little better. If not better, maybe a little more rested! Thank goodness the baby is sleeping right now. He won't be moving around when I'm trying to fall asleep.


38 weeks + 5 days


Rice Krispies

And, as a sidenote. I keep hearing these strange rice krispy-like popping noises coming from my belly. Up higher. It's very weird. It just started today. It's not a constant thing, just a couple here or there. Hmm..... I wonder what that is??

38 weeks + 4 days

Relaxing. Watching movies. Mmm... Today was a good day! Except that every time I get up... well. I seriously think my pelvis might crack open and the baby's just going to fall out. haha. It's really sore. I had to get up at 7 this morning and go stand over the back of the couch to take some of the pressure off of it. It's really achy; to the point where it hurts to roll over in bed and the whole rolling over business is actually more of a process. Now I know why that website recommended silk sheets and pajamas. I scoffed at the idea, but right now it makes perfect sense. It's genius really! Not that I can really afford silk sheets and pajamas... but still. I have a little bit of a cold. Caught it from Sam. Hoped I wouldn't! But I forfeited my prenatal today to take airborne. You can't double them up otherwise you'll get a vitamin overdose. One day isn't going to hurt. Besides, airborne is a ton of vitamins, just more sickness fighting ones. I think that's more of a priority right now because being sick wouldn't be good; for me or for baby! While he's been basically sleeping the past 3 days, he's definitely making up for it now! Maybe he was on a growth spurt. They say that when they're doing their growing they're more likely to rest because that's where the energy is going to. Well.... not anymore! He's a squirmy little fish today. All day. No joke. My belly has been doing strange and odd contortions. Half of it was sticking out at one point. Literally, just the entire right side from my belly button over was disdended and the left side was just .... ______ FLAT. It looked SO weird. Sam got to feel him move today, too. We were sitting on the couch watching him squirm around. He tickled me a couple times and was poking me in the ribs and we'd watch the baby move to that, too. It was pretty fun. That's about it! Just keeping busy around the house and looking for jobs to do this summer where I could work out of the apartment so I can watch Christopher. Right now being with him and being there for him is my main concern. Soo, any ideas? And if you say hooker, well, I'll kick your butt! haha =)

38 Week Doctor Appointment

Alrighty. Well, we're still hanging in there. My hips/pelvic bones are really, reeeeally starting to ache. I swear I feel like a 90 year old woman; and I'm probably walking like one too! It really honestly feels like there is a bowling ball resting on top of the 2 pelvic bones between my legs and they're going to snap at any time or just break apart. Omg. They're really sore. I can't do leg lifts to the side, or lift my leg up when I'm lying in bed! It's crazy! But I'm thinking that's a good thing. It means my body's getting ready.... which I think I would rather have than just trying to pop him out without making any adjustments first :) Maybe I'll be super duper flexible after this! That would be awesome! Actually, I'll be able to run faster. That's a proven fact. Should share that fact with the high school track team.... hahahaha.... Just Kidding! Anyways, about the doctor appointment.

It was with Margo again. The same woman from last week. I've actually lost 3.5 lbs from last week! Craziness. Weight stabilization? Woot woot. That's a good sign. He's still growing. Unfortunately she didn't tell me what my uterine height was. She just said "he grew" and I was in the middle of not forgetting to ask her my question that I ended up forgetting to ask her how MUCH he grew. Dangit. My blood pressure is great : 104/52. His heartrate was 140 bpm's. Such a healthy lil guy. He's just perfect! His head also moved further down into my pelvis. She said she could feel it sitting right atop the cervix. Thanks for all the extra pressure! Anyways, this next part could be a bit of TMI but I don't really care. I'm going to share anyways because it's all part of pregnancy! Before you go into labor you lose your mucus plug. MMk. So the name sounds much grosser than it actually is. It's just the "stopper" for the cervix. When the cervix starts to efface or dilate a little you lose it. Well, I am pretty sure I lost mine tonight! Which is exciting. But it's not a definite timeline for anything. Some women lose their mucus plugs 4 weeks before labor, some the day of. But really, it just means that... well. It's a good sign I take it! Considering I wouldn't have 4 weeks left to go anyways. I think it's because he's putting all this extra pressure and moving down further that things are starting to happen more. I also think all the walking I do really helps. Go me! But, everybody's advice is starting to bug me lately.... I'm getting it from all angles. Especially from people who aren't even pregnant! It's like, THANKS! But I'm overwhelmed and TRUST ME. I can read for myself. I've been quite informed about this whole pregnancy thing. I am pretty sure I've read every possible piece of info on it on the internet. Ok, that's an exaggeration... but you get the point! So, basically if I'm not asking for advice... please, please, PLEASE keep it to yourself. Thanks for the offer, but I'm really getting too much of it. Even from strangers in the grocery store. I'm going to put my grocery basket on the next one's head. Especially if they ask me in the "oh-not-so-polite-way" of "So, when ya' poppin?" Oi. In a way it's nice, but.... ugh. haha. I'm just trying to take it in with the whole pregnant experience. Anywho. That's my lil tidbit for today. I'm just relaxing and watching movies and taking it easy. Nothing to do and keeping my feet up and enjoying every minute and sometimes even the silence. Something I think will be pretty scarce in a couple of weeks!!


Wow that hurts

So, I did finally end up going to sleep. I cleaned the apartment some more after the last post. Specifically organized more of the baby's room and cleaned in there and vacuumed the whole apartment. Also sucked up Sam's xbox speaker headphone set.... whoopsies. But I just woke up to the most painful "practice" contraction I've had yet. Think cramp times like.... a thousand. Ow. I also had a really intense pain that went to my back. I thought it was because I was laying wrong, or something. So I tried getting out of bed, but the pain stayed! That's actually a good thing. A real contraction doesn't go away when you change positions. It made me a little excited. Please please please tell me these are going to keep up and get regular. I don't want this to start and get all excited and then have it stop and have to wait another couple of days. Gah. This whole waiting business. I'm ready... at least I think. I think that I'm going to think I'm ready until the first time I see him and then it's going to be like.... Ohhh shit. I'm SO not ready. =)


38 Weeks + 2 Days


I'm the Energizer Bunny!!

This is just a big list of things I've gotten done so far! WOOHOO. So. I cleaned the entire living room. Dusted and picked up our entertainment center. Took all of the trash and recyclables out. Organized Sam's movies and video games. Put away his computer stuff in a nice little tray thing and organized it neatly. Sorted through the magazines and found a spot for them. Put some books away that had just been chilling out. Folded blankets. Scrubbed the rug from the bathroom that DESPERATELY needed to be cleaned. Cut up some raddishes and olives for our dinner salad. Peeled and cut potatoes and got them boiled (prep for dinner). Ummm.... Oh yeah. I also unthawed some venison back straps and squash. I put the backstraps in the crock pot and they're seasoned and cooking... SMELLS YUMMY! I put away some more baby stuff. Hung up my clothes in my closet and sorted through dirty laundry, etc... Uh. Hm. Called my mom and chatted with her. Went through my big stack of mail and threw out the old stuff and the junk. Sorted through this box of stuff in my room and disposed of worthless crap. Annnnd i also went through all of these important papers and got them sorted into appropriate folders and labeled them! YAY!!! And I also lit some incense in here. It's pink and it smells like flowers. Woot woot. I'm the energizer bunny! ... minus the ears..... and the big battery drum............. and the insanely cool sunglasses. =D Whatev! Am I going to sleep good tonight or what?! I'm still doing stuff, too. By the way. Ohhhh, I've only just begun!

Jeopardy Theme Song

Doo do doo do, doo do dooo. Do doo do Dooo DOOO... doo doo doo doodoo. etc..... =)

You can imagine that playing while you're reading this, because that's what it feels like for me! I almost want to make some more messes so I can clean them up =) I sanitized his room.... again. haha. Sam has a pretty bad cold so I keep lysoling and cleaning in there because I don't want him to catch a bug first thing back here! I cleaned up and organized the living room and boxes that have been stacked in my closet with random things since I moved. Sam just has a couple things from his computer laying about the living room, but that's it! Otherwise the apartment is pretty clean. I even did the dishes today, which I vowed I wasn't going to do until after the baby. But, I was being impatient and Sam's sick so I figured I could cut him a break. It was supposed to snow alot today, but so far nothing. It just looks sort of gloomy out. Icky. I hate this weather. Where's my sunshine?? I love it when it's sunny out. I'm always more cheerful on those days. Hm. Well I slept in today. And I completely enjoyed it. I just laid in bed for 30 min on my back staring out the window. I have a feeling I won't be having too many moments like that after the next week! Christopher was moving all around and it was real cute. He's been sort of laid back the last couple of days. I hear that's a good sign that you'll go into labor fairly soon! It means they're running out of room and resting up for the big day! Maybe he should let me in on when that's going to be.... hehe. I was wrong, by the way. My prediction was that he was going to come on the 7th. I thought that way back in July or August or something. But the 7th came and went and still no baby. Sam predicted the 10th. So he might just be right about that! We'll have to see! I'm going to find something to do around the apartment to occupy me. I don't want to sit here twiddling my fingers and being useless. I could probably find a closet to organize or something. Sam's taking a nap. He took some Nyquil and is out.

=0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0

38 weeks + 1 day


38 Weeks!

Yesterday I went for a really long walk -- an hour and half! I had to have gone at least 2 or 3 miles, maybe even 4! I want to take the car and retrace my route so I can see how far I actually went. The walk went good except for the hill I had to climb. Wowie. That was intense. There are so many hills around here. The only bad part was all of the puddles that I had to maneuver around. There was no way to get around one except to hop it and I was obviously overly optimistic about that. It should've been apparent to me BEFORE I tried jumping that my belly would just be a big weigh down, but nope. I ended up landing smack dab in the middle of the puddle and making a really huge splash. I felt like such a doof. To anybody who had been watching it must've looked like I deliberately tried to jump into the puddle, just based on where I landed. I didn't even clear the 3 1/2 foot puddle! How embarassing. I had a good foot and a half to go. Not only did I feel like a huge dork but I ended up with sopping wet socks and shoes anyways!

I really felt my belly tightening up throughout the walk. That's a good thing, though! About 20 min left to go on my walk I just got poopered out. I tried calling Sam to see if he was on his way home from the movie yet in hopes that maybe he could pick my tired buns up. No such luck. I got home and then made some Kung Pao Chicken dinner stuff! It was delicious.

Got a good night's sleep last night. Went to bed around 12.30 and woke up this morning at about 9.30ish. I kept getting awakened by my stomach tightening up though, the "practice contractions", only they were alot stronger and closer together than usual. I was hopeful for a little bit and thought maybe I was starting labor! But no. I woke up today and they've just been sporadic. Nothing that even resembles a pattern so I'm thinking it was just prodromal contractions, the ones that help get the cervix ready before you actually START labor. So.... hmph. I was all excited. I'm just waiting. I have been getting some pretty bad headaches the last few days and they all usually start around noon. I don't know what that's about. Maybe extra hormones or something. But it sucks. Tylenol doesn't help. So I'm just trying to relax and stay occupied.


37 Weeks + 6 days.......heartburn

Ugh. I thought this whole heartburn phase was over with! Just when things were getting better. Not as many leg cramps, my ribs/lungs quit hurting, and the heartburn was gone. Psych! It's back. I went to bed early at 10.15. Woke up a little before midnight to that familiar burning sensation and gross taste in my mouth. Reflux, or whatever. Yucky. and it's now 4.19 and i'm still awake. I wish I had some Tums. I tried a glass of milk. I tried cottage cheese. I even tried an apple and that usually helps; nothin'! I did lay back down for about an hour but I never actually fell asleep. I started cleaning the apartment. But then I got pooped. Now I'm relaxing on the couch. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to bed soon. But laying down doesn't help heartburn. It makes it worse because more "stuff" comes back up so I'm trying to stay upright. Rrrrr...... not too much longer of this though! I hope....


5:53 Laundry

Actually I put the laundry in at 5. I woke up at 4:40. Made a pb&j on toast and then put on some track pants and my tennies and went to the laundry room. I had the last couple of things to wash for baby: my nursing pillow cover, hospital sleeper gown, slippers, some onesies, and his over-alls outfit. Then I walked the hallways for 30 min and came back to the apartment to stretch a little bit on the exercise ball and take a breather! I'm going to head down to the apartment common rooms sometime today whenever they decide to open it up. I'm going to go on the treadmill for a long time. My poor fingers though, they get so swollen from walking! Whenever I straighten them out they turn bright white because they're so full of water. I'm surprised my fingers didn't get stretch marks!!! :) haha. But I think that would be highly unlikely. They're crazy looking though. I can't wait to be able to fit my rings back on! Before I was unable to wear them anymore, I could still keep one ring on. It used to fit my ring finger, but, in the last couple days before I took it off and retired it to my jewelry box until after I have the baby, I could barely squeeze it off of my pinky! Well. Back to the laundry room. I have a feeling I'm going to accomplish a bunch today.... well until about 1 p.m. when I crash.


37 Weeks + 5 days



I like my glasses. They're really cute. I am glad they came. I walked the apartment halls for 30 min. Hopefully nobody noticed me, they probably think I'm a nutso! But it's ok. Unless somebody's looking out their peephole like, "Oh my. That girl's gone by 3 times already." I think they'll just assume I'm going to an apartment or something. By the time I get to my door my legs are exhausted and I can really feel the pressure on my pelvis. I generally have about 3 contractions every time I walk now, so I'm hoping that's a good thing =D It makes me encouraged when I get them. If I didn't get so breathless I could walk more. I want to go again tonight. But right now I'm going to hit the hay. I'm exhausted. I was falling asleep in the chair. But that just means I'll wake up around 3 a.m. wide awake. That sounds like a good time to continue my hall walk. Maybe I'll even throw my laundry in! Who knows. I'm usually ambitious when I wake up around that time. And I'm hoping he comes any day now! So exciting. Scary, but exciting.


I'm officially relieved. My glasses came in today! I was worried they weren't going to be here before I went into labor. Thank God they're here. Sometimes you can't wear contacts or women have problems with contacts during labor and then they only allow glasses. Being blind and going through labor would suck.... These are the first glasses that have been a different style since the end of my freshman year of high school. It was traumatizing picking out a new pair! They stopped making the other frames that I loved that I just kept getting. Those frames finally snapped. Which I guess isn't so bad. I'd had those particular frames for 3 years and they ARE only plastic. These new frames are black with a little white. They're kind of chunky and bigger than my other frames, but oh well. I like them enough. Hopefully I can get used to them! I'm excited to see how they look. I am picking them up in a little bit. Woohoo. It's such a relief, but it's also scary because that means that d-day is getting closer! Where's the jeopardy music when I need it? It should continually be playing for my life right now because that's what I feel like =)

37 weeks+4 days


I feel like the kid in the back of the car on one of those long trips saying, "Are we there yet?" Ugh! I just want it to be now. I am sick of waiting! I just want him to be here already. I never thought I'd get to the point where I was so anxious and so ready, but I'm definitely there! Just like I never thought I'd get to the point where all I would want to wear was sweatpants. 4 months pregnant and I was convinced that I would be able to live in my trendy maternity jeans the day until delivery. Not. I also never imagined I would get to the point where I would trade my stylish, outfit-matching slip ons for some old, dilapitated tennies from sophomore year. Then again, this shouldn't come as a surprise considering this entire last year has been full of them!

The last week or so I've been getting really down and stressed with how I'm ever going to manage being a single mom. Especially with finishing school and having Sam gone in the AirForce. I wasn't sure what was going to happen. So I just have been praying about it. Well, today I got 2 letters in the mail. One from my grandmother and one from my aunt. They were exactly what they needed and it was so ironic that they came on the same day. My aunt is a single mom and she basically just wrote that we never get more on our plate than we can handle and so somebody must think we're able to handle alot and that's why we're given the challenge. My grandma's card was equally as perfect fitting for the situation and how I've been feeling. It said that God never gave us more than we can handle. They made me smile and I felt reassured. My grandma also wrote a letter on the inside of the card. One of the lines she put in there I think will stick with me for the rest of my life, "God never wastes time on anything - every experience He allows to come our way - every thing we go through - all things have a divine purpose." I really like that quote; it's so true.

37 weeks + 4 days


M.I.A. Ankles

I was such a crab yesterday. Whoa. Talk about hormonal, mood-swinging, grumpiness! Yikers. I just wish I would realize how grumpy I was being when I was in the act. See, but then when it's happening I'm just telling myself, "No. I'm not crabby. This is completely legitimate." And then I get to the next day and feel like... yeahhhh..... nice. So.... sorry Sam! I was probably a bear yesterday.

Anywho. I actually got to sleep in my bed last night! Very exciting. It was the first time in over a week because I've been having that lung pain. Except that I had to make myself go back to bed at around 3 a.m. because I wanted to get up and do stuff. But, I knew that wasn't a good idea because I've been sleeping so poorly and I had an appointment today and I didn't want to be tired. Woke up this morning, though, and guess what pulled a magic trick and disappeared? MY ANKLES! They're completely gone. Here's a slight analogy; pretend my ankles were previously mountains. Mt. Everst, let's say. They're now more like.... rolling hills. You know, the tiny ones that you barely even notice? It's like playing I Spy when you're looking for my ankles. The only shoes that fit me now are these stretchy tennies I've had since sophomore year. Boy I'm glad I kept them because they're so comfy & amazing!

Appointment overview : The midwife I had today (Margo) was the one I had spoken with over the phone on Thursday night. My ultrasound from Thursday and the test results had been faxed over to the Marshfield Clinic so she got a chance to look at them. She apologized....and good! She should've because she was ridiculous that night. The results showed that my gallbladder actually WAS slightly inflamed (the radiologist on call that night had missed it.... nice, huh?) and that I did have pleurisy. I called it! The tissue was all swollen between my lung and rib area which was causing the pain. She even asked and double checked that I didn't need a refill on my painkillers because she said she can't imagine how painful it was. Well, she's right. haha. But I didn't take any. I don't want them unless I absolutely need them, and it's been getting a little better. Baby's doing great! I gained 4 lbs in water weight.... ugh. Where the hell is the weight stabilization? grrr.... You can definitely tell. I feel like I'm sloshing around when I walk and that's the reason for my sausage fingers and M.I.A. ankles. But he's growing, too. My fundus height (uterine growth) is 41 cm this week. Ahhhh!!! Big baby on the way. I'm only 37 weeks, so his growth really shot up there. If he doesn't come within the next week they're 95% sure they'll have to induce me, otherwise he'll be too big and I'll end up with a C-section... which I don't want. His heartbeat was 151 bpm's which is perfect! Normal is anywhere between 120&160 and he was moving around so 151 was great. It was cute, when she put the doppler on my belly to listen to his heartbeat I don't think he liked it because he kicked it right off =) What a lil stinker. I'm getting so excited for him to get here. My mind is racing when I go to bed and it's getting harder for me to sleep. I just want to be able to see him and play with him. Mmm.... I can't wait! I have baby mania.


Vlogs & Walks

I did my 37 week Vlog. It only took me 4 tries to get it started right. I hated the beginnings of the other ones. I just wasn't feeling it to start out with. Ummm mum mum. Just kind of chilling. I am breathing much easier which is so nice. I think just resting today really made a difference. I am going to go walk the apartment halls in a couple of minutes, though. I have to get some exercise today! Plus I want this baby so I gotta get my buns movin' so he drops even more. I think he dropped just since yesterday. I can feel the difference when I'm standing and stuff. It feels like there's a gigantic bowling ball between my legs that's just going to drop out at any time. Kind of disconcerting at times. Hm, not much else to report! I've just been making more frequent trips to his room and looking through his clothes and getting more excited. Making up reasons to go in there; such as organizing rubber ducks. hehe. It's fun.


After sitting up and sleeping last night, I actually got to lie on my side!! So exciting! I didn't even need to take any painkillers or anything before bedtime. Hopefully this is a good sign =) I'm really liking it.

Lullaby & Goodnight

Just finished burning baby lullabies and stuff to a CD for him! I downloaded the Fisher Price lullaby soundtrack and a couple extras. No words, though. Very relaxing. I have the songs on my cell phone (which doubles as my Mp3 player) and I put the phone on my belly and play them. They say that babies can hear them and if you put the music on before you go to sleep, they'll associate those songs with bedtime. Hopefully it works! Maybe whenever he hears "Twinkle, Twinkle" he'll stop crying and just zonk out? I can only hope it will be that easy....


Baby Shopping

My mom and my brother came up to visit! It was a really nice time. I finally got the Stuffed Crust Pizza Hut pizza I've been wanting for about 2 months. It was heavenly. Mmmm.... Yesterday, she and I went baby shopping around Eau Claire. I needed to get him some newborn socks so we stopped at a place called Savers. It's basically like a Goodwill..... only it's nicer. I figured we should check there first for some socks because at WalMart & Target the cheap socks are $7.99 for 6 pair & some were $5.99 for 3 pair! They have a large bag of 12 pair of socks that say 0-6 months, but there's no way they would stay on his tiny feet right away; they were way too big! The socks at Savers were .49 cents a pair! 2 of the pairs were completely brand new and still in packaging and the other ones looked like they'd barely been worn. Well, really? How do babies wear out socks. They only wear them a few times before they grow out of them and it's not like they're walking around and wearing them out or anything. So I wasn't too worried about used baby socks. Besides, we got all different kinds and they're so cute! 9 pair came out to be around $4.50. Also found him a pair of new fleece slippers there for $1.99 and some tiny little baby tennies to wear with his track outfit. Super cute! Then we also got a Boppy Nursing Pillow while we were uptown. I am not especially fond of the cover it came with but it was on sale so I'll just pick up a plain blue one. I figured I'll probably want to have 2 covers anyways in case one gets dirty, then I can just slip the other one on without having to worry about getting it washed right away.

Today we made another baby run. Went to Walgreens & WalMart. Walgreens had this breastfeeding lotion stuff on sale. It's for dry cracked skin, etc. That's the part I'm almost half dreading is the first few days when I'll be really sore! Got Christopher some cute little handmits. Dark blue, light blue, and white with little dinosaurs. They all came together otherwise I'd have skipped the dinosaur ones. haha. His grandma (my mom) bought him a swing! It's adorable. It's a portable swing that is close to the ground and doesn't have the traditional hard back. The chair is bouncy seat material (really soft & full) and it's for newborns because when you put them in there, their head automatically sinks into the material so it creates head support. I love it. There's a removable mobile. It has 5 speeds and 7 songs. It's so nice! I love that it folds up really small and it's also close to the ground. We are going to get alot of use out of it! Also got 3 small baby bottles (which I already sterilized) and an oil candle warmer. I know. It's not really baby related but it's going in his room because it smells so delicious! My dad is making curtains for the baby's window; well, he PERSONALLY isn't making them himself. haha. That would be comical, but he's "overseeing" their production. =) He cracks me up. He's such a project guy.



Now, I'm no doctor but I do know how to work my way through some of my medical terminology books, web MD, and GOOGLE. I don't think this is my gallbladder. 4 doctors think it's my gallbladder, but I don't. I don't know if they think I'm faking pain or have a low pain tolerance or some crap like that but.... the symptoms of gallbladder do not coincide with what I'm experiencing. I think pleurisy fits. The last time I went into the doctor with this same kind of pain (only more mild) at about 25 weeks they prescribed my codeine. He said it was the inflamed cartilage (I twisted wrong when putting on my seatbelt) but he didn't think that was the only thing. He had mentioned pleurisy which is another inflammation of the lining of the lungs and ribcage that's usually cuased by a viral infection and pregnant women have a higher chance of contracting.

I really think that's what this is. Not only that but now I'm starting to produce more phlegm; a symptom of me not being able to take deep breaths and so it's all building up. About once an hour I try to take 4 deep breaths in a row just because I don't want to end up with pneumonia or something because of this. I think I might go back into the doctor or urgent care and see somebody there. Hopefully they'll be able to prescribe me more pain meds because at least that knocks the pain level down to half and makes reclining at least semi-tolerable so I can get a couple hours of rest in. Otherwise I don't know what I'm going to do. The midwife I have an appointment with on Tuesday is the one that's convinced I merely "strained" something when I got my blowdryer...... WHAT-ever. I don't trust her to make any good calls about this. Midwives special in pregnancy and pregnancy related things, anyways. She's not certified to make any other medical calls.

Well, that's all for now. Me and baby are just chilling. At least HE'S awake to keep me company! Sam, Michael, and my mom are all asleep. I'm jealous. They all went to sleep before me and they're all still sleeping. I want to get an airhorn and wake them up or something. I'm bored.


7.02 a.m. Probably got 2 1/2 hours of "sleep". Much better than nothing. It was challenging but basically heavenly while it lasted. Pain has actually gotten worse. It now hurts to swallow and drink. I am hesitant to take a painkiller. I only have 6 left and who knows how long this will go on or if it's going to get worse. Whatever is irritated on the right side has gotten more swollen. It feels like there is "water" or something around a couple of my ribs. Whereas I can feel bone on the left side, no problemo; I have to poke through squishy, sore tissue to get to the rib on the right side. I have no idea what's causing it. I hope they figure it out soon, though.

37 Weeks Full Term

Full term. Yay! Means I could have him ANY day now. Which I am hoping will be sooner instead of later. Still no luck sleeping. Laying down agitates whatever it is that's causing all of these problems (presumably the gallbladder) and makes me unable to take in any breaths. So, fun fun. It's 3 in the morning and I'm still awake just plugging away taking small lil breaths. No laughing! Or burping. Betcha never thought burping would be painful! hahaha.... haaa (that's the only way I can laugh) =) But yup. Just getting through everything. All I keep thinking about is that in a week or 2 weeks I'll have my cute little baby to hold and it'll all be worth it. Nighttime is when he moves around the most now and really presses down on my pelvis. Oh, and I know this is gross and probably way more information than you want, but I started spotting today (well technically yesterday). I noticed it. It was past the 24 hours since my pelvic exam though, which can sometimes cause the bleeding, so I think it was a genuine sign of cervix dilating! After you notice bleeding labor usually begins within the week. Hopefully this means I won't have to be induced and I'll just go into labor on my own! Alrighty. Well I'm going back to watching House and relaxing here on the couch. Hopefully I'll nod off for at least an hour.


My hospital ordeal...

Before I even start: I just typed up this whole thing. Then my computer froze & it all got erased. I was on the last paragraph & now I am starting all over. F***. And I am actually finishing it now at 3.40 in the afternoon because I couldn't get it done this morning!

Yesterday, well technically 2 days ago now because it's already Friday morning, I woke up and I had this stabbing pain on my right rib underneath my boob area. I figured I'd just slept wrong or something and got over it. It didn't get better the whole day so I took some Tylenol for it and a hot shower, which seemed to help. I figured I'd just be able to sleep it off and wake up and be fine. Wrong. I woke up yesterday and the pain was so much worse than the day before. I couldn't take in a deep breath without it feeling like somebody was stabbing my lung. Still, I figured I could just ignore it and get on with the day until it got to the point where I could no longer sit or lay down. You know that little inhalation breath you take before you sneeze? Yeah, I had to stifle 3 sneezes because I couldn't catch that deep of a breath. So of course I surf the internet for rib pain during pregnancy. The best I came up with was slight rib separation, baby's foot stuck, gallbladder problems, or just "pregnancy pains". Eh. That's probably what it was; pregnancy pains. So I tried the heating pad. Nada. Frozen corn used as an ice pack.... still nothing. Eventually I ended up calling the Marshfield Clinic Midwives (my pregnancy care providers) to see what they thought I should do. When they finally got ahold of this dum-dum (it took her 12 minutes to answer her pager and even the receptionist was annoyed) she didn't tell me any breaking news. Had I taken a warm shower? (check) Tylenol? (check) Sleep? (impossible) or how about an ice pack or a warm compress? (check, check!) Obviously nothing had worked for me and that's why I was calling. She asked if I remember doing anything that could've set it off..... nope. Nothing at all? Well, I did bend over to get my blowdryer, but that's about it. I said that.... mostly as a joke but apparantly to her that was the lightbulb! It MUST have been the darn blowdryer and now I had a muscle strain. Ding, ding, ding NOT! Yeahhhh.... must've been my 1/2 pound blowdryer that caused this, right? Considering I woke up with the pain. Sure. Whatever. It was useless continuing to talk to her so we just got off the phone and I just agree with her. Doesn't help that she talked at speed of snail.... Well, just to humor one of her suggestions I tried taking another hot shower for 20 min. Guess what didn't help? The hot shower?!? No way.

Next I skipped a step and just called the Sacred Heart ER and they told me to go ahead and come on in. Easier said than done. The car ride was hell. It hurt so bad to sit there I was in tears. Thank God Sam was driving. I just wanted to scream. Inhaling literally just hurt so bad it was taking my breath away. After what seemed like forever we finally get to the hospital. Check in & that takes 15 min. Then of course because I'm pregnant they send me up to the 3rd floor: Labor&Delivery, even though this had nothing to do with labor and delivery. They put the baby on the monitor and he was great, which was a relief to me. He was healthy and kicking and moving. They also picked up my contractions which were irregular. 11 minutes, 6 minutes, 14 minutes, 4 minutes, and 5 minutes apart. I also got to have the super fun VAGINA exam where she jams her fingers into your cervix to see if you're dilated. That's bad enough alone but add that to laying down in excuciating pain and I could've kicked her in the face. I wasn't dilating at all, which was good. But they couldn't do anything for me up there so they had to send me back down to the ER. Hm. Go figure. 2 hours later.

Ok. So now it's midnight. Checking in again took another 15 min. It was alright though because I got to stand at the front desk vs. sitting in the waiting room and that felt alot better. Sam was dozing off. I felt bad, he was so tired! Finally we got called back. They wanted to run some bloodwork on me to see if it was my gallbladder. Pregnancy can affect how your gallbladder works and gallbladder inflammation and stones runs in my family anyways. Ugh. I hate hospitals so much. We were put in a room. It only took 45 min. for the lab tech to draw my blood. I was in so much pain sitting there but I didn't want to take painkillers yet in case they had to do an ultrasound. I wanted to be able to tell them where it hurt. Well, they decided they could try this one shot that was supposed to help with the GI tract/gallbladder. I had to get the shot in the top of my butt.... ow. It burned alot. Not only that, but it didn't help. 2 oclock the doctor came in with the results of my labs. Turns out a couple of the enzymes associated with the gallbladder were elevated so they were going to go ahead and do the ultrasound. 2.30 a.m. the woman from ultrasound came to get me. Sam was zonked out. She just wheeled me and the whole bed to the room. I wanted to scream. It hurt so bad to breathe and then I had to lay down for the procedure and that just about put me through the roof. She had to hold the ultrasound transducer on the spot that was sore and I wanted to shove it down her throat. Omg.... I seriously was just laying there crying.... it sucked. =( Then I was supposed to lay on my left side but.... yeah. That wasn't happening. I half screamed and then I just couldn't breathe at all because it hurt so bad I was gasping for air. It's just the worst feeling. So she took me back to the room.

Next came another hour long wait. The procedure was inconclusive because they couldn't really get a good view of my gallbladder. I was unable to take deep breaths (obviously!) so really it was kind of pointless. The doctor came in to talk to me. She thinks that it's probably still the best bet that it's the gallbladder. Pregnancy causes gallbladder stuff anyways & that makes sense. It just means that basically there's nothing they can do for me. Which is just so frustrating beyond belief. All those doctors and all that time in the hospital and basically they just chalk it up to "pregnancy pains" and unable to do anything for it. Sucks. The only thing that will clear it up is delivery. Ugh. So not much longer. They tried giving me some Tylenol-3 for the pain which is really just strong Tylenol with a little bit of Codeine, but that's it. I can't even take over the counter ibuprofen. Basically I'm just S.O.L. So that was it. The only thing they gave me were 8 prescription Tylenols. EIGHT. How many are in a dose? 2. How many uses is that? 4. how many days will that cover at the MOST? 2. Great. Good thing it only hurts when I sit, lie down, and what's the other one? Oh yeah!! BREATHE! ugh... Then we went home. The car ride home sucked even worse than the one there. I was in tears the entire time and it's just soooo frustrating because I want to know what's wrong and I just want it to get better. All I wanted to do was sleep.

Got home. Tried taking another shower / bath. No luck. The baby was moving around so much, the most he's ever moved before. Every time he moved he pushed on my pelvis and my thighs cramped up. Maybe this whole hard time breathing thing is just my body getting ready for labor, which I don't think will be too far away. I tried sitting up & eventually found a good enough position where it wasn't excruciating. 6.30 a.m. & I caught a couple winks. Finally. I just can't take any deep breaths. Shallow is the way to go. As long as I don't raise my voice or talk loudly it doesn't agitate anything, either. So, looks like that's what I'll be doing. However they were talking about early induction for medical reasons. I just want to know what's going on before I go into labor otherwise I have no idea how that's going to work. If I can't breathe, there's going to be no way I can deal with contractions or push. Whenever I have a contraction it irritates the rib area and that doesn't feel very pleasant. If this is still acting up by the time I go into labor I'm forgetting the waterbirth. I'm just going to take the nicer, more pain-free way and get the demerol until the epidural. I'm overall just kind of frustrated and exhausted with the whole thing. I want it to be over, or at least feel better. Christopher is a little fish in there, too. That's not helping. He moves my whole belly around and consequently pushes on the sore spot. But it's ok. He's the only one I'll let push on it and get away with it =) Well. My brother and my mom are coming up tomorrow. That'll be nice. I think they'll take my mind off of stuff and mom's going to help me with a couple of things around the apartment hopefully. So, I'll just be kind of taking it really easy for the time being. Nothing exciting. No funny movies because laughing is off limits. Maybe I'll get to catch some sleep eventually when I just crash!


Acupressure Points

So, I'm back. I have my red raspberry leaf tea (which is supposed to soften the cervix and tone the uterus and get it ready for labor! in case you were wondering...) and am reading up on natural labor induction methods. I was reading through the list a couple minutes ago and there are a few teas you can try etc, etc and castor oil, which doesn't sound like fun because that gives you diarrhea and then I get to acupressure. I've heard about this, like women going in to have a pedicure if they're having prelabor symptoms and then they'll start going into labor afterwards. Supposedely, there are points on your body that correspond to your reproductive organs and pregnancy. Ok, so here's a little background info; the other night, after I was done taking my bath, I noticed there was a point on the bottom inner sole of my foot that hurt when I massaged it. (I like massaging peppermint foot oil and cream into my feet before bed. It's my fav!) Anyways. I noticed it when I was about 4 months pregnant, but the other night it was just reeeally bad, and sore. Well, I thought it was a blood blister or something until I realized it was in the exact same spot on my other foot. I figured it was just swelling or something pressing on my muscles. Alright. So here I am reading acupressure points on the body that correspond with pregnancy and the most common ones are the webbing between the thumb and pointer finger, 4 finger-lengths above the ankle bone on the calf, and the most uncommon one that not all women experience? The bottom of the foot on the inner sole! I couldn't believe it. Then I was thinking back and remembered that after I massaged my foot that night I did have some pretty intense Braxton Hicks contractions. Well, being the curious person that I am, I just had to try it out again. I started massaging the bottom of my foot right where the sore spot was, and guess what? Braxton Hick's contraction within 30 seconds and it was really strong!! Crazy huh? I think now that I tested that out I'm probably going to leave the foot massages out of my routine for at least a week.
=) But I just had to share. I thought it was pretty nifty.

* White * Out *

SNOWING!?! Again.... I can't believe it. Today is (and I quote) "The worst traveling day this season." So much for that walk today. I was going to go at 1.30 when Sam told me that. I'm really glad I listened otherwise I could've been out there in the blizzard trudging along. haha. Looks like I'll be walking the apartment hallways again. Just an interesting side note... only 12% of women have their water break before labor, contrary to what the movies make is seem like. The only connection that scientists have found to the environment and why some women break their water is barometric pressure. When there is a storm; women break their water! Crazy huh? I'm glad I'm not further along otherwise today could've been the day! I should check out what the weather looks like for the next couple of weeks. =) Sam called into work and we're going to download a movie to watch today. We were going to go to the video store and rent one, but the sideways snow and white out had us reconsidering that thought. That's about it for today. Up until this week, sure I was pregnant, but it didn't really bother me much. But THIS week, boy do I feel pregnant. I literally have to maneuver around just to get out of a seated position and waddle around. It's crazy. It definitely takes a toll on you. I'm really just wore out. But I'm excited because I know there's only a couple weeks left of this! Yay. Oh, and the cutest thing? For Valentine's Day I got Sam a coffee mug & this little stuffed puppy to fit inside it. Well, our kitty pretty much adopted him. She will pick him up in her mouth and she carries him all over. She has her own chair in the living room and blanket and she'll literally give him a bath and cuddle with him in there. It's so cute. So we found another little stuffed bear to give her and she treats them like her kittens. It's so cute! <3>

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

36 weeks + 5 days


Leg Cramps

Scratch the walk; guess who didn't make it out the main doors of the apartment? Yup. Me. I took a nap and then Sam left for work at 3.30 so I was going to go for a walk then. My inner thighs had been cramping up but I thought that once I got out of bed they'd be better. Nope. The only thing that happened was I got such an intense wave of pressure in my pelvis that I ran to the bathroom otherwise I am pretty sure I would've peed my pants. My thighs haven't really stopped cramping up yet, they do it once every 10 minutes or so or whenever he moves around. Standing and walking is really uncomfortable. It feels like I have a bowling ball between my legs and I'm walking around with it there. It's one of the strangest things and probably the most awkward that I've ever felt! My waddling factor definitely just went up a few degrees.

I'm assuming this just means the baby's moving into an even more uncomfortable position lower down. Stretching and yoga are supposed to help with muscle tenseness and cramping and I do yoga nearly every day (whenever Sam works because I refuse to do yoga when he's here! haha). So not getting enough stretches in isn't the problem. Geez, wouldn't that be crazy if I went into labor tomorrow or something!? Well, I don't want to jinx anything. I still have to get a few things yet and move my room around.

36 weeks + 4 days

Spring's in the air!

I am absolutely loving the weather outside. It's beautiful!! Woke up at 9.23 this morning and guess what? I had an appointment at 9.30! I literally jumped out of bed, threw some gel in my hair and sprayed it, put a little bit of cover-up on, and walked out the door at 9.30 and got to the appointment by 9.37 a.m. Yay me! haha. Picked out some hand mits but Sam and I have to go to Target or somewhere and get him some little newborn and little baby socks. I'm going to go for a walk soon in this amazing weather =) Put on my tennies and go, go, GO! My inner thighs have been cramping up really bad, though. I'm thinking that's a good sign, means labor will be coming soon! Yay. Not yay for the labor but yay that we'll have the baby.


36 week appointment

Had another doctor appointment today. As I was getting ready to leave I asked Sam if he was coming and we got into an argument & stuff and I thought he was just trying to get out of it again so I basically stormed out all upset and went to the appointment by myself. Meanwhile last night I was stressed out because the apartment was messy and I've been so exhausted lately that I haven't been able to get all of the things done that I used to do and I was just freaking out and had a big attack and anyways. So I'm kind of cutting ahead but when I got back home, he had vacuumed the apartment, cleaned the bathroom, done the dishes, straightened everything up, put the garbage away, tidied the living room, moved the chairs, lit candles & incense, organized the kitchen, and hung up a picture. I was sooo shocked!! It was the best. Ok. Back to the appointment. So I get there and find out that I'm 20 min early. Perfect. Add that onto my already great morning. Finally get called back. I gained 2 pounds since the last appointment. They said that's fine because I haven't gained any weight for a month and a half and most of it's going to the baby anyways. Met with a different midwife. She didn't seem very for epidurals....... she was all about the natural birth stuff and the "labor pain is good pain" regimen. Yeah.... well, good pain or not, it's still pain. So then she callously introduced epidurals on the labor sheet and I wasn't about to even ask her her feelings on them because I already knew from the stingy tone in her voice. Don't get me wrong, she was very, very nice. Just one of the midwives that's about the ALL NATURAL way. Hopefully she's not there the night I deliver. haha. Hm.... they also did a Group B strep test.... the one I mentioned before where they take a va-jay-jay swab. FUN. ....

His head is waaaay down low. Which is what's been causing my thigh cramping and pelvic pain. I knew I felt him drop because I've been able to eat more these days. My uterine height is 39 cm. Which is crazy. That means he grew alot in the past 2 weeks. The entire pregnancy I've been measuring right on with my weeks. Uterine height is how large your uterus is and they measure it in centimeters with a tape measure. At 20 weeks your uterus should be in line with your bellybutton. So if you're 17 weeks the uterus should be 3 cm below the bellybutton and if you're 30 weeks it should be 10 cm (or fingertips) above the bellybutton. 2 cm above or below how far along you are in weeks is normal. For example at the last appointment I was 34 1/2 cm and 34 weeks, which meant I was right on. Now, I'm 39 cm and 36 weeks, meaning he grew.... ALOT. And also that he's slightly larger for his age which means.... HE'S COMING EARLY!! Just like I expected. I'm thinking within the next 2 weeks. So that was pretty crazy. I was shocked when she told me how much he'd grown. So much for a nice little baby to deliver.... =) His heartbeat was 141 which is perfect. So he's a happy, healthy little man! He's also very long..... even though his head is already engaged in the pelvis he's still able to kick me up in the ribs.... long legs! He didn't get that from me....


36 weeks + 2 days

So I've been looking up natural induction techniques on the internet that you can start trying at 37 weeks (which I will be this coming Saturday) and I'm really thinking about doing some! I'm going to talk to the midwife tomorrow at my appointment and see what she thinks. They're doing my Group B strep test tomorrow. Half of all women have this bacteria "down there" which isn't harmful or anything, it's completely normal, but if you do have it you need antibiotics when you go into labor because it can make the baby sick. So, not really a big deal either way. They're also doing the pelvic exam (......can't wait......) to check effacement (how thin the cervix is), dilation (if it's opening up at all) and his pelvic station (where he's sitting above or below certain points on my hips). So, that shall be exciting! I always love pelvic exams..... But if everything looks good tomorrow as in he's sitting right and I'm at least 40% effaced I think I'm going to start trying some of these methods and hope that they'll bring labor on maybe a week or a week and a half sooner! I wish it was warmer outside. I've been really energetic and I want to go for walks but even though it's sunny and gorgeous it's only about 10 degrees right now. Boo. Walking is supposed to be really good for getting the baby positioned and helping him drop even further. Not too much longer left to go! So exciting.



Energy? This can't be right...

Hmm.... Am I dreaming? Because I can't actually be awake and motivated to do the dishes and vacuum, there's no way. It's crazy! I am definitely taking advantage of this newfound energy because I have a feeling (and if I'm right) it's not going to last for very long. I think I might be having my last little energy spurt. You're supposed to have it about 2 weeks before you deliver. That would explain my obsession with tidying everything today and organizing my room and it's almost midnight. I am like the energizer bunny. I have a big list of stuff to do. I just don't want to stop! I kind of like it. I wish it lasted longer. Maybe I'll get lucky =) Looks like I won't miss my energy burst after all. Now if I can just maintain the clean-ness up until I bring baby home, that'll be amazing!!!! Wooohooo. I feel like I had 5 redbulls. I am ready to go!


36 weeks + 0 days

Childbirth Classes && 9 months preggers!!!

Well, well, well..... I don't even know where to start. Sam and I woke up bright and early to get ready for our all day event. Got to the hospital at about 8.30 when our class started. I had some pretty high expectatioins for today, apparantly. There were 9 couples there. I was the furthest along out of everybody!! That was kind of cool. I felt special. One of the women there was due a month after me and she was bigger than me. She's going to have fun with that! We got a booklet and a bunch of handouts at the door and they had some muffins and juice out. I mowed down a couple muffins.... =) Delicious! Then we started in. The woman teaching the class is a labor/delivery nurse at Sacred Heart Hospital (where we were at). She was nice enough and everything, but all the information she presented was just random. It had no focus, whatsoever! She did a couple demonstrations with her "uterus"; which was actually a knitted cap that held the baby. That was interesting to see in person, but.... nothing special. There was a birthing video... OMG YUCK. I had to look away. No way in hell (excuse my language!) that I am EVER using a mirror or something to see the baby come out. Nooooo way. EW. I thought my delicious muffin was going to be making a second appearance. Luckily Sam and I have been watching our childbirth video (which is way better) and we were one up on all of the people in the class. Some of the couples were even middle aged, probably young 30's and we knew more than they did. Actually, we were the ones asking / answering questions. On the breaks it was funny because all of us prego ladies headed straight for the bathrooms. There was a nice little line going. Anyways. At about 12.15 the class was going to take the lunch break and we were done discussing all of the medical information. I'll let you in on something... from that entire morning and uselessly presented facts I didn't learn a thing. We didn't learn WHEN to call the doctor/midwife, when was the best time to have an epidural (she was very, very vague), where to go when you came or anything! So Sam and I got in the car and we were going to hit up Taco Bell or something and get his phone charger and we both decided that we were wasting our time. And we really were. The rest of the day was breathing exercises and the hospital tour; both of which we had already done. The whole set up of the class had no structure. I was so disappointed. To top it off Christopher had been moving all morning and had my intestine or something pinned down and it was really hurting. There was no way I was going to be sitting on the floor doing mock breathing exercises (that we already knew how to do) with a stomachache. So we went out to eat instead at the nice little Mexican restaurant and then I came back to the apartment and took a nap. I am so tired today. I actually just got up 15 min ago! Tonight Sam and I are going to finish watching Laugh and Learn About Childbirth. That's the video I was talking about. It's a recorded childbirth class, just like what we went to. I get alot more out of the video. Instead of just telling you random things it says stuff like "6 signs of labor". Then you learn what they are and repeat them. That is going to be more useful than anything we learned today. But hey, we got free muffins!

Other than that, I am officially 9 months pregnant today! WOOHOO. You know what that officially means????? Next month I won't be pregnant?!? WOOHOO. I'm pretty excited. As much as I do like being pregnant as far as feeling him move, all of the other stuff is getting a bit old. Especially the getting up at night 4-5 times to pee. So it'll kind of be bittersweet. I'm getting a little more nervous for labor & delivery just because I am technically full term now which means it could start virtually any day now! I'm thinking within the next couple of weeks. That's just the vibe I'm getting. But I could be wrong. All of his clothes are washed now. I got him some more onesies and some a few pairs of pants. We also have all of his bottles now and I just have to sterilize them. So as far as getting ready goes, the only thing we have left to do is vacuum his room and then rearrange my room so the bassinet fits next to the bed. I might actually start that tonight. I think I have been nesting the past couple of days. Yesterday for sure anyways. But that's about it here! Probably going to go make some dinner.


Is it almost over?

I am feeling extremely ready to be un-pregnant. I mean, the kicks and rolls are fun and adorable but I am so uncomfortable. I feel like a moose... with legs. I am definitely in the Lovin' Sweatpants Stage of my pregnancy. For some reason, I thought for certain I would be exempt from this. "Nah, I'm not going to get to that point. I'll still love wearing my cute maternity jeans and tops...." NOT! The jeans are itchy. The band digs into my tummy. My cute maternity tops make me feel like a bubble. Hellooo sweatpants! <3>

Last night I actually ended up going to bed early and in my own bedroom! Hooray. I have a feeling when I start going into labor it's going to be at night. That's when my Braxton Hicks (practice contractions) occur the most and are the most "painful". Basically just imagine somebody hitting your thigh and giving you a charlie horse -- when your leg gets rock hard? Ok. Take that feeling and apply that to your belly / uterus or whatever. That's the best way I can think of to describe a Braxton Hicks contraction. Last night he decided to kick me so hard and his foot got lodged somewhere between a couple organs. OMG. It felt like my insides were on fire. That one really hurt. I've been having quite a bit of pressure and the insides of my thighs are cramping up. It's kind of exciting because that happens in the last couple weeks of pregnancy so I know I'm getting ready for everything! It's also sort of scary and daunting in a way. Labor's just around a corner and pretty soon all the baby clothes will be filled! I am having a hard time imagining it. I almost feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever, even though I know that's not going to happen. It's definitely a weird thought. Like, is this actually going to happen? Somehow it feels like a dream.

But anywho. I've been trying to record him moving, so far, NO GOOD. Doesn't want to cooperate. Apparantly they're supposed to slow down a couple days before labor. I'll be excited for that. He's a crazy little acrobat! My whole belly is just one big wavepool. Sam saw it move last night. He's saw Christopher just do little kicks and spurts before, but nothing major like this. It was a good one. Christopher just literally rolled over and my whole stomach changed shape. It morphed. haha. Whenever I tried to show Sam before the little bugger would be shy and stop moving. What a turkey =) Well, I'm going to move my bed and get the bassinet in my room. don't worry. The bed's light, it's just an airmattress on top of the frame and it has wheels so I'm all clear to move it! I'm psyched. I love changing my room around


35 weeks + 4 days


Can't believe this weather

It's * snowing *. * I * can't * believe * it *. I * thought * the * snow * was * done * for * the * year *?*?!* But * NOPE * ! * I * guess * the * warm * and * sunshiney * weather * last * week * was * just * a * teaser *.

Those were snowflakes, by the way :) Kind of having one of those days. I've been a little moody and just kind of down. Which is no fun. Had the APPLE appt today. That went well. We watched a video on newborn care. I learned that newborns get acne? What the heck. Poor kids. I thought that was only for teenagers. And they also get funny little white bumps on their noses, which you are NOT supposed to pop. I think I might have a problem with that. I have an obsession with popping things. haha. I hate zits, etc... But the video was pretty interesting. I actually learned alot from it. Like how exactly to give a newborn a bath before you can put them in the water and their skin heals and their little belly button thing dries up. Stuff that I hadn't really thought about before! Babies are so cute though. The lady doing our appointment today was very funny. Nice too. She called the lactation consultants "nursing nazi's".... ha! I got a kick out of that one. But she said they're really nice and not to be worried. Sooo breastfeeding. Yeah. Going to give it a try and see how it goes. To be honest the only reason I'm really doing it is because you're uterus is supposed to contract faster and you lose the baby weight sooner. That might be a tad selfish, but it's the truth! I was always intending on pumping and stuff because it's better for the baby. We'll have to see. I'm just going to play it by ear. I won't be super disappointed if I just end up pumping and using bottles. I think bottles are cuter anyways. And then other people will be able to feed him and not just me! So that's how that's going to go!

Dad came up today and brought me some baby stuff. I had a wall hanging made for Christopher's room.... it says "BABY". Each letter has a different "block" (it's made of cloth) and there are blue and yellow rubber ducks on them. Really cute! I also got some homemade burpcloths and blankets for his room, and dad bought a rocking chair. Which is going to be nice for late night feedings...

Well.... I am going to make some supper. Kind of late but, oh well! Annnnd, dad also brought a large air bed. So I don't have to sleep on the dilapitated crappy airmattress in the living room any more that deflated in 2 hours. That's where I've been for the past month and a half. It's a queen size airbed so we took my mattress off (it's too hard to sleep on) and put it on there. OMG. So comfy. I'm excited to sleep in my room tonight! Woohoooo


4-1-1 on Baby

Gender : Boy
Name : Christopher Michael
Age : 33 weeks + 2 days
Due Date : March 21, 09
Approx. Current weight : 6.5 lbs
Nursery Theme : Blue / Yellow Rubber ducks!!
Personality : Shy. I think he's going to be a lil shy because whenever I get the camera out to record him moving, he stops. And he also stops moving when anybody else puts their hand on my belly.

<3 + Burn = heartburn

Hola. Feeling pretty much 100% better. Completely over the flu! Yay. Went to bed pretty early last night, for me anyways. Woke up at 5 a.m. though with really bad reflux again. So I paced the apartment for 20 minutes and got a little glass of water, then went back to bed. I have to sleep with a few pillows supporting me and keeping me upright, otherwise that makes it worse. It blows waking up to that. Other than that though everything's good. Staying away from spicy foods and chocolate (specifically fudge brownies.... I found those made my reflux act up). I think I'm learning how to get it under control. Downloaded Laugh and Learn About Childbirth. It's actually pretty good. The instructor is funny and it's not boring to watch. Hopefully Sam and I will be 1 up on all of the other people in our Childbirth Saturday class which is coming up this Saturday. 8 1/2 hours we're going to be there.... AH?! But I figured that'd be better than dragging it out for 4 weeks. I would be less motivated to go. Since we already toured the hospital and are watching this video, if this Saturday just seems like re-run info we're going to head out early. I think I've pretty much prepared myself and we won't need to stay if it's all just repeated stuff; and I think people have gotten by without going to any sort of childbirth class whatsoever or reading any books. I figure we'll be just fine.

Other than that. Not much else to report! I'm finding my wardrobe less and less attractive lately. It takes me 20 min just to find something to wear that I'm comfortable in. I feel like a whale =( Shamu for sure! haha. I guess that's normal though considering I'm almost 9 months pregnant! I don't feel as big as I thought I would. I always envisioned myself being just enourmous when I was pregnant. I mean, sure I've got quite the belly, but I just always thought I would be larger. Maybe you just adjust to being pregnant though. haha. I'm sure if you were to strap the belly that I have now on an unpregnant me I'd go into shock! But yup. Downloaded Baby Mama to watch.... I love that movie. It's so cute. On a less positive note my hand's still tingly and numb. That won't go away until after delivery. It's caused by all the extra fluid and stuff in my joints that it just presses on the nerves in my wrist and makes my hand tingly all the time. It's alot worse when I'm driving (probably not good!). Sometimes my entire hand goes numb. But I can still move it, just not feel anything. Pretty weird feeling. Well, I suppose. Gotta get the darn dishes done. Ugh. My dad's coming tomorrow and bringing the queen size air bed so I will be able to sleep in my bed again! YAY!! We're going to take the hard mattress off and put the air bed on my bed frame instead and that's what I'll have til the baby gets here. It'll be much better than the piece of crap airmattress we have now that's stationed in the living room and deflates within 2 hours of sleeping on it. Ick.


35 weeks + 2 days


35 Weeks

Technically I'm a day late, but I've been sick for the past few days and yesterday was just the pits. Had the really bad flu =( For VALENTINE'S Day... which I'd been looking forward to for a couple weeks. That sucked. Felt sick the night before. Went to bed early. Woke up at 4, sat in the bathtub til about 5.30. Started throwing up. Was in there until nearly 7. Woke the neighbors up. haha. That was a little embarassing, but, they had it coming. That's for the nights when they were drunk and puking all night. At least I had a good excuse! I felt really crappy. Throwing up is just the worst. For me, it's the worst thing in the world. I'll admit it even. I can handle anything but throwing up. I just start bawling. Probably the most pathetic person in the world! haha. But whatever. So then I threw my contacts in and went in the kitchen and Sam had left me my Valentine present there from the night before =D That made me feel better. He made a card.... it's so cute. It's the best card I've ever gotten. I just love it. And he got me this big, soft super adorable Valentine puppy. It's name is Corpsegrinder. Yes. I know, but there's a story behind it. To make the story short we were answering questions on Yahoo and somebody had a joke question of "I want to name my daughter Corpsegrinder, but my wife doesn't like it?" We thought it was hilarious. Don't worry, I'll call it CG for short. It matches the other lil teddy bear he got me. It's name is Basher. Wow, I have some menacing stuffed animal names!!! But that was really sweet. So me and CG cuddled on the couch all morning. Sam made me chicken broth and saltines all day. So much for the romantic dinner! But it's alright. We made up for it today.

Week 35. Ah! It's going by so fast. I was worried I wasn't getting enough nutrition the last couple of days, with not being able to keep anything down. So I'm glad I got to eat more today. So far so good. Been having problems though with heartburn. Really, really bad heartburn. I am going to ask the midwife on Tuesday about it. I think mine might actually have crossed the line into acid reflux / GERD. Which wouldn't be that abnormal, it happens during pregnancy. Especially the last few weeks when the baby's pretty big and everything's really squished. On top of being sick even when I do get food down I can only eat so much. Then within half hour of eating it just burns and sometimes it's bad enough where that alone makes me want to puke. I have to wake up every couple hours during the night to grab a yogurt or something otherwise my stomach starts to get so hungry that I get heartburn from that. Ugh. I've been pacing around the apartment, literally, at about 4 a.m. because it helps relieve it. Light walking does some good after sleeping or sitting for so long. I'm thinking about maybe walking down to the end of the hall and back, but the floors are so creaky I don't want to wake anybody up. That and I'm paranoid I could be abducted by creepy apartment people. haha. I know, I'm so strange!

Anyways. What else is new in the last week.....? Hm. Ahhh yes. I washed all of his baby clothes from newborn up to 6 months and his little blankets. They're so adorable but a PAIN IN THE ASS. . . for some reason his clothes don't want to dry right! It's insane. And I of course don't want to shrink them. I was getting so frustrated. I ended up doing all of our laundry for about 3 hours. The wash room was really really warm though. I had to open up the window! My hormones give me hot flashes something horrible. I feel bad for Sam some days when he's in sweats and a sweatshirt and I'm in a tank and shorts with the windows wide open and the porch door open and its only 20 out. haha. That's been improving. I also had a couple break down moments the past week. Hormones.... yet again. That and I haven't been feeling the best. But other than that, nothing else to report for what to expect for week 35. Really nothing's changed. Baby's getting bigger. It says he probably weighs on average 5 lbs 10 oz..... which means Christopher probably weighs like 6 1/2 lbs! haha. 18 inches (on average). Crazy. There's really an 18 in 6 1/2 lb baby all balled up in my belly? It's just nuts looking at my belly and thinking that. He has to be so uncomfortable. And then there's that daunting question..... that baby has to come out... where?? And it's going to fit.... HOW??? haha..... ahhhhh We'll just see how that goes. It's like a time bomb. I'm just counting down the days!!

P.S. Yes Man = Hilarious movie. We loved it.