
38 Weeks!

Yesterday I went for a really long walk -- an hour and half! I had to have gone at least 2 or 3 miles, maybe even 4! I want to take the car and retrace my route so I can see how far I actually went. The walk went good except for the hill I had to climb. Wowie. That was intense. There are so many hills around here. The only bad part was all of the puddles that I had to maneuver around. There was no way to get around one except to hop it and I was obviously overly optimistic about that. It should've been apparent to me BEFORE I tried jumping that my belly would just be a big weigh down, but nope. I ended up landing smack dab in the middle of the puddle and making a really huge splash. I felt like such a doof. To anybody who had been watching it must've looked like I deliberately tried to jump into the puddle, just based on where I landed. I didn't even clear the 3 1/2 foot puddle! How embarassing. I had a good foot and a half to go. Not only did I feel like a huge dork but I ended up with sopping wet socks and shoes anyways!

I really felt my belly tightening up throughout the walk. That's a good thing, though! About 20 min left to go on my walk I just got poopered out. I tried calling Sam to see if he was on his way home from the movie yet in hopes that maybe he could pick my tired buns up. No such luck. I got home and then made some Kung Pao Chicken dinner stuff! It was delicious.

Got a good night's sleep last night. Went to bed around 12.30 and woke up this morning at about 9.30ish. I kept getting awakened by my stomach tightening up though, the "practice contractions", only they were alot stronger and closer together than usual. I was hopeful for a little bit and thought maybe I was starting labor! But no. I woke up today and they've just been sporadic. Nothing that even resembles a pattern so I'm thinking it was just prodromal contractions, the ones that help get the cervix ready before you actually START labor. So.... hmph. I was all excited. I'm just waiting. I have been getting some pretty bad headaches the last few days and they all usually start around noon. I don't know what that's about. Maybe extra hormones or something. But it sucks. Tylenol doesn't help. So I'm just trying to relax and stay occupied.

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