
Can't believe this weather

It's * snowing *. * I * can't * believe * it *. I * thought * the * snow * was * done * for * the * year *?*?!* But * NOPE * ! * I * guess * the * warm * and * sunshiney * weather * last * week * was * just * a * teaser *.

Those were snowflakes, by the way :) Kind of having one of those days. I've been a little moody and just kind of down. Which is no fun. Had the APPLE appt today. That went well. We watched a video on newborn care. I learned that newborns get acne? What the heck. Poor kids. I thought that was only for teenagers. And they also get funny little white bumps on their noses, which you are NOT supposed to pop. I think I might have a problem with that. I have an obsession with popping things. haha. I hate zits, etc... But the video was pretty interesting. I actually learned alot from it. Like how exactly to give a newborn a bath before you can put them in the water and their skin heals and their little belly button thing dries up. Stuff that I hadn't really thought about before! Babies are so cute though. The lady doing our appointment today was very funny. Nice too. She called the lactation consultants "nursing nazi's".... ha! I got a kick out of that one. But she said they're really nice and not to be worried. Sooo breastfeeding. Yeah. Going to give it a try and see how it goes. To be honest the only reason I'm really doing it is because you're uterus is supposed to contract faster and you lose the baby weight sooner. That might be a tad selfish, but it's the truth! I was always intending on pumping and stuff because it's better for the baby. We'll have to see. I'm just going to play it by ear. I won't be super disappointed if I just end up pumping and using bottles. I think bottles are cuter anyways. And then other people will be able to feed him and not just me! So that's how that's going to go!

Dad came up today and brought me some baby stuff. I had a wall hanging made for Christopher's room.... it says "BABY". Each letter has a different "block" (it's made of cloth) and there are blue and yellow rubber ducks on them. Really cute! I also got some homemade burpcloths and blankets for his room, and dad bought a rocking chair. Which is going to be nice for late night feedings...

Well.... I am going to make some supper. Kind of late but, oh well! Annnnd, dad also brought a large air bed. So I don't have to sleep on the dilapitated crappy airmattress in the living room any more that deflated in 2 hours. That's where I've been for the past month and a half. It's a queen size airbed so we took my mattress off (it's too hard to sleep on) and put it on there. OMG. So comfy. I'm excited to sleep in my room tonight! Woohoooo

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