
Pointless Appointment

Had my WIC appointment today at 2pm. I get WIC because I'm single, in college, and just generally don't have alot of money right now! It's really helpful because I get milk and cheese which mean Calcium for baby. Along with eggs (protein), cereal (folic acid), beans (more protein) and juice. The WIC office is downtown Eau Claire basically. So its about a 15 min. drive from my apartment. Let me give you the rundown on what usually goes on. I get there and put my little form into the box. Sit around for probably 20-30 minutes reading mommy magazines. There are usually about 7 kids in there, most of them being completely out of control and unsupervised by their parents. You just want to say something like, "What are you doing?? Your kid is 3 years old and superman leaping off of the table and you're not even looking up from your cellphone!! What the hell??" It's really unnerving. Let me tell you. They should have any young couple sit in there for 10 minutes. That would be the best birth control on earth. But besides that. There's usually a couple of cute babies in there, too! So they make up for it. So while all these kids are running around it's like a madhouse. I have already decided that Christopher is going to be sweet and well mannered and adorable. He's not going to be the naughty brat throwing stuff at strangers. Well once they finally call you back all they do is check your weight. Then you go meet with the "nutritionist" and she asks you if you're eating enough and if the checks are getting you enough milk, juice, etc. You say yes. She says ok. Then you're out of there!

Let me break it down. Total 30 min. of driving. Average 20-30 min. of waiting. 5-10 min. appointment. Nice.

But the lady today was astonished by my baby bump and how much he's grown since the last time she saw me. They all agreed that they definitely think he's coming early. (Me, too!) And I was told that I just looked so cute =D I liked that. It made me feel super good! Especially when I feel like jabba the hut lately.


33 weeks + 4 days

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